1: Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas.
Pseudomonas pneumonia, pulmonary infection with the gram-negative pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is mostly a hospital-acquired pneumonia. Although not the most common, it is the deadliest form of nosocomial pulmonary infection, accounting for about 20% of cases in the intensive care unit (ICU).
ICD-10 code: B96. 5 Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters.
Of the many different types of Pseudomonas, the one that most often causes infections in humans is called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause infections in the blood, lungs (pneumonia), or other parts of the body after surgery.
Pseudomonas bacteria can cause a variety of infections, not limited to lung infections, including: pneumonia. urinary tract infections. wound infections.
ICD-10 Code for Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food and vomit- J69. 0- Codify by AAPC.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization was defined as the persistence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in repeated sputum specimens or bronchoalveolar lavage taken at stable state without clinical evidence of infection and tissue damage within two years before recruitment [15].
aeruginosa infections include bloodstream infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and surgical wound infections. These infections typically affect people who are ill in the hospital, particularly those with weakened immune systems from diseases or long-term treatments.
ICD-10-CM Code for Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms J16. 8.
ICD-10 codeICD-10 termRead termPneumonia – other specif.bact.J159Bacterial pneumonia, unspecifiedBacterial pneumonia NOSPneumonia – bacteria NOSBacterial pneumonia NOS56 more rows
9: Fever, unspecified.