icd 10 code for administering tdap

by Prof. Lonzo Kutch 8 min read

For example, if the beneficiary needs a tetanus vaccination that is related to an accidental puncture wound, the vaccination and administration would be covered under Part B.
Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccinations Billing Guidelines.
CPT CodeICD-10
Aug 30, 2018

What is the code for Tdap?

Medical providers who “buy and bill” for the Tdap vaccine should use the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code 90715. For administration of the vaccine, providers should bill CPT code 90471 or 90472, as appropriate.

What is the ICD-10 code for vaccine administration?

ICD-10 requires only one code (Z23) per vaccination, regardless if single or combination. Report Z23 for all vaccination diagnoses.

When do you use ICD-10 code Z23?

encounter for a vaccinationCode Z23 is used to indicate any encounter for a vaccination. The procedure codes are used to identify the type of the immunization given and how it was administered.

What is the difference between 90460 and 90471?

The 90460 code is used when a physician is present and performs face-to-face counseling to the caregiver or parent. This code can only be used for patients through age 18. Code 90471 is used when the drug is administrated by a medical assistant or nurse and the patient does not see the physician at all.

How do you code vaccine administration?

For immunization administration other than COVID-19, codes 90460–90474 are reported for the administration of the vaccine, along with the appropriate vaccine/toxoid code (90476–90756) targeting the organism.

Can Z23 be used as a primary diagnosis?

If the immunization is related to exposure (eg, the administration of a Tdap vaccine as a part of wound care), the ICD-10 code describing the exposure should be used as the primary diagnosis code for the vaccine, and Z23 should be used as the secondary code.

What is a Z23 immunization?

Code Z23, which is used to identify encounters for inoculations and vaccinations, indicates that a patient is being seen to receive a prophylactic inoculation against a disease. If the immunization is given during a routine preventive health care examination, Code Z23 would be a secondary code.

When do you use G0008 and 90471?

For vaccines given the same day as a G-Code vaccine, use 90471. For example, if a patient receives a flu shot and tetanus shot, you would bill G0008 for the flu vaccine and 90471 for the tetanus vaccine; also add modifier 59 (distinct procedural service) to the G code.

What is the difference between CPT code 96372 and 90471?

90471 is an Immunization administration code. TB TEST IS NOT AN IMMUNIZATION. Furthermore 96372 is for Therapeutic/Diagnostic injection, Subcutaneous or Intramuscular.

Is 90460 an add on code?

90460 – Immunization administration through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first or only component of each vaccine or toxoid administered.

What does code 90471 mean?

Immunization administration for90471: Immunization administration for percutaneous, intra-dermal, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, initial.

How do I use CPT 90460?

These codes report immunization administration to patients 18 years of age or younger. Use 90460 for each vaccine administered. For vaccines with multiple components [combination vaccines], report CPT code 90460 in conjunction with 90461 for each additional component in a given vaccine.

Is CPT code 90471 an add on code?

Immunization Administration Add-ons The immunization administration codes 90460-90461, 90471-90474 or G0008-G0010 are reported in addition to the vaccine or toxoid code(s) 90476-90756, Q2034-Q2039. When giving more than one vaccine/toxoid, multiple administration codes are reported.

What is a serum code for 90471?

The Vaccine 90746 is the actual serum that you are using and the administration 90471 is the act of giving the injection so they are both primary with no bundleing, it is the same as a 96372 with a J code for the drug.

Reporting Administration Per Component

  • The pediatric immunization administration with counseling codes are: 1. 90460: Immunization administration through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first or only component of each vaccine or toxoid administered 2. +90461: Each additional vaccine/toxoid component administered (list se…
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Items of Note About Codes 90460 and 90461

  • To correctly report vaccine counseling and administration with these codes, it is important to recognize what the codes do and do not include. 1. These codes are limited to immunization administration, meaning purchased vaccine products must be separately reported. 2. A face-to-face service where a physician or other qualified health care professional (qualified per state lic…
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Administration Coding Example

  • An 11-year old girl presents for a preventive visit (99393). In addition, the child and her mother are counseled by the physician on risks and benefits of HPV (90649), Tdap (90715) and seasonal influenza (90660) vaccines. The physician documents the discussion. The mother signs consent to administration of these vaccines. A nurse prepares and admin...
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