icd 10 code for cervical cord myelomalacia

by Dr. Claudie Parisian 6 min read

Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy, high cervical region
M50. 01 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM M50. 01 became effective on October 1, 2021.

What is the ICD 10 code for cervical myelopathy?

M50.00 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. Short description: Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy, unsp cervical region. The 2020 edition of ICD-10-CM M50.00 became effective on October 1, 2019.

What is the ICD 10 code for myelomalacia?

Search results for “Myelomalacia”. Diagnosis Code G9589 Billable Diseases of the nervous system / Other disorders of the nervous system / Other and unspecified diseases of spinal cord. Other specified diseases of spinal cord.

What is the ICD 10 code for cervical disc disorder?

2018/2019 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code M50.00. Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy, unspecified cervical region. 2016 2017 2018 2019 Billable/Specific Code. M50.00 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

What is the ICD 10 code for spinal cord disease?

Other specified diseases of spinal cord. Gliosis (cerebral) G93.89 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code G93.89 Hemiplegia G81.9- ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code G81.9- ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code G81.90 Myelomalacia G95.89 Myelopathy (spinal cord) G95.9 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code G95.9 Paralysis, paralytic (complete)...


What is cervical Myelomalacia?

Cervical myelopathy is a form of myelopathy that involves compression of the spinal cord in the cervical spine (neck). Your cervical spine contains seven vertebrae (C1 to C7), with six intervertebral discs and eight nerve roots.

What is the ICD 10 code for cervical cord compression with myelopathy?

Other spondylosis with myelopathy, cervical region The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM M47. 12 became effective on October 1, 2021.

What is the ICD-10 for tethered cord?

Tethered spinal cord syndromeICD-10Q06.8ICD-9742.59DiseasesDB34471MeSHC16.131.666.680Aug 3, 2012

What is the ICD 10 code for spinal cord injury?

What is the ICD-10 Code for Spinal Cord Injury? The ICD-10 Code for spinal cord injury is S14. 109A.

What causes Myelomalacia?

Cause. The most common way the disorder occurs is from a result of hemorrhaging (bleeding within) or inadequate blood supply to the spinal cord, making it weak and susceptible to damage. Because myelomalacia involves a damaged spinal cord, it may occur in any individual.

What is the ICD-10 code for cervical spinal stenosis?

ICD-10 | Spinal stenosis, cervical region (M48. 02)

What does tethered cord mean?

Tethered spinal cord syndrome is a neurologic disorder caused by tissue attachments that limit the movement of the spinal cord within the spinal column. These attachments cause an abnormal stretching of the spinal cord. This syndrome is closely associated with spina bifida.

What is the ICD-10 code for spinal cord compression?

ICD-10 code G95. 20 for Unspecified cord compression is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Diseases of the nervous system .

What is syringomyelia and Syringobulbia?

Syringomyelia is cavitation of the spinal cord, of unknown aetiology, causing disruption of pain and temperature neurons of the anterior commissure. Syringobulbia is the term used if it affects the brainstem (usually the medulla).

What is the ICD-10 code for cervical radiculopathy?

ICD-10 code: M54. 12 Radiculopathy Cervical region.

What is the ICD-10 for myelopathy?


What is spiral cord?

The spinal cord is a long, tube-like band of tissue. It connects your brain to your lower back. Your spinal cord carries nerve signals from your brain to your body and vice versa. These nerve signals help you feel sensations and move your body.