icd 10 code for hand strain

by Korbin Pouros 5 min read

Coding Guidelines

The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from block Injury of muscle, fascia and tendon at wrist and hand level (S66). Use the following options for the aplicable episode of care:

Approximate Synonyms

The following clinical terms are approximate synonyms or lay terms that might be used to identify the correct diagnosis code:

Information for Patients

No matter how old you are or what you do for a living, you are always using your hands. When there is something wrong with them, you may not be able to do your regular activities.

What is the code for a minor injury?

M22.42. Almost every body area includes multiple codes for minor injuries. For example, there are 12 codes for superficial abrasion of the finger – one for each of the 10 digits, one for unspecified thumb, and one for unspecified finger.

What is the ICD-10 code for external causes of morbidity?

Chapter 20 in the ICD-10 manual, “External Causes of Morbidity” (codes V00-Y99) , contains thousands of codes describing every conceivable environmental event that might cause an injury. Here's an example: V43.21S, “Person on outside of car injured in collision with sport utility vehicle in nontraffic accident, sequelae.” ICD-10 then defines when a person is outside a vehicle (not occupying the space normally reserved for the driver or passengers), what a sport utility vehicle is (special design that enables it to negotiate over rough or soft terrain, snow, or sand), and what a nontraffic accident is (any place other than a public highway).

Can a family physician do imaging?

Most family physicians do not have immediate access to imaging services or interpretation before the patient leaves the office. Therefore, while you may be reasonably certain of your diagnosis, you may not consider it to be “definitive” but merely the best on your list of differential diagnoses. In such cases, ICD-10 allows you to report codes for signs or symptoms in lieu of a definitive diagnosis. (See “ Orthopedic sign and symptom codes .”)
