J3301 - Injection, triamcinolone acetonide, not otherwise specified, 10 mg The above description is abbreviated. This code description may also have Includes, Excludes, Notes, Guidelines, Examples and other information.
CPT CODE J3301 – Injection, triamcinolone acetonide, not otherwise specified, 10 mg Dictation from an encounter states that the physician used 2 mL of 0.75% Marcaine and 0.25mL of Kenalog for a trigger point injection. I know I shouldn’t code the Marcaine, but would J3301 be billed at 1 unit? Minnesota Subscriber
To report the Kenalog, use the HCPCS code J3301. This J code is for triamcinolone acetonide per 10mg. The instructions for this code state to use for Kenalog- 10, Kenalog-40, Triam-A. This code may be billed in multiple units.
This J code is for triamcinolone acetonide per 10mg. The instructions for this code state to use for Kenalog- 10, Kenalog-40, Triam-A. This code may be billed in multiple units. Thus, if 20mg were used, report J3301 with 2 in the units box (box 24G on the CMS -1500 form). Example#4 J0702 betamethasone acetate and betamethasone phosphate, per 3 mg
• J9310 is defined in the HCPCS manual as: Injection, rituximab, 100 mg • One (1) unit represents 100 mg of rituximab ordered/administered per patient • Rituximab should be billed based on units not the total number of milligrams
CPT CODE J3301 – Kenalog-40 InjectionCPT CODE J3301 – Kenalog-40 Injection.Each mL of the sterile aqueous suspension provides 40 mg triamcinolone acetonide, with 0.66% sodium chloride for isotonicity, 0.99% (w/v) benzyl alcohol as a preservative, 0.63% carboxymethylcellulose sodium, and 0.04% polysorbate 80.More items...
10mg/ml, each billing unit is 1mg, bill 10/1x___ (number of mls used). Example: used 3 mls... 10 divided by 1 times 3 = 30 units. 40mg/ml, each billing unit is 2mg, bill 40/2x___ (number of mls used).
J3301 Medicare — Medical Coding Tips — Video Confirm that in fact, it's covered by your payer.
Triamcinolone Acetonide Injectable Suspension, for Suprachoroidal use (Xipere™) HCPCS Code J3490: Billing Guidelines Effective with date of service Jan.
To report the Kenalog, use the HCPCS code J3301. This J code is for triamcinolone acetonide per 10mg. The instructions for this code state to use for Kenalog- 10, Kenalog-40, Triam-A. This code may be billed in multiple units.
J3301 falls under the Unclassified Drug and Medicare requires the description in the NOC code description - this is why the claim is either denying or rejecting at the clearinghouse (Injection, triamcinolone acetonide, not otherwise specified, 10mg) - Medicare does not accepted HCFA but if billing HCFA this will go in ...
It is available in brand and generic forms. It is not covered by most Medicare and insurance plans, but manufacturer and pharmacy coupons can help offset the cost.
Triamcinolone is a topical steroid. It reduces the actions of chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, redness, and swelling. Triamcinolone topical is used to treat the inflammation caused by a number of conditions such as allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis.
Kenalog IA/IM Injection is for the treatment of joint pain, swelling and stiffness in inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Per the HCPCS code description, J3301 is 10 mg per unit, so you would bill 16 units.
Meloxicam Injection, for Intravenous Use (Anjeso™) HCPCS Code J3490: Billing Guidelines.
Triamcinolone (Kenalog) is a first-choice injectable medication used to treat gout attacks. It's also used to treat many other conditions, including allergies, skin conditions, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.
Report either code 11900 for up to 7 lesions or code 11901, for eight or more lesions. They are never reported separately. 11901 is not an add on code. Report each for one unit, not the number of lesions.
Kenalog, 40 mg per 1 mL vial.
“ HCPCS code J1030 is defined as “Injection, methylprednisolone acetate, 40 mg.”
Kenalog®-80 Injection (triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension, USP) is supplied in vials providing 80 mg triamcinolone acetonide per mL....LOCAL.40 mg/mL, 1 mL vialNDC 0003-0293-0540 mg/mL, 10 mL vialNDC 0003-0293-281 more row
Drugs administered other than oral method, chemotherapy drugs. J3301 is a valid 2021 HCPCS code for Injection, triamcinolone acetonide, not otherwise specified, 10 mg or just “ Triamcinolone acet inj nos ” for short, used in Medical care .
In HCPCS Level II, modifiers are composed of two alpha or alphanumeric characters.
Note: It would be appropriate to bill the E&M service for the abdominal pain (99XXX-25), the therapeutic drug injection code (96372), and the Kenalog (J3301) for this encounter. When the patient is simply being seen for a therapeutic/diagnostic injection administration, it would be appropri-ate only to report the drug code and the administration. It is important to understand that the drug administra-tion contains inherent components of an evaluation and management service that is expected to be provided when rendering the service, such as; taking routine vital signs, obtaining a injec-tion history on past reactions and con-traindications, answering routine injec-tion questions, preparing and adminis-tering the injection with chart docu-mentation, and observing for any im-mediate reaction.
Per CPT and the CMS National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Policy Manual, CPT codes 96372-96379 are not intended to be reported by the physician in the facility setting. Thus, when an E/M service and a therapeutic and diagnostic injection service are submitted with CMS Place of Service (POS) codes 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 51, 52, and 61 for the same patient by the Same Individual Physician or Other Health Care Professional on the same date of service, only the E/M service will be reimbursed and the therapeutic and diagnostic Injection (s) are not separately reimbursed, regardless of whether a modifier is reported with the injection (s).
Please Note: Providers must append modifier 25 to the appropriate E&M code to identify the E&M service as a Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician on the Same Day of the Procedure or Other Service.
Intravenous (IV) infusion of saline (CPT codes 96360-96371) is not paid separately when administered at the same time as chemotherapy infusion (CPT codes 96413- 96417). If hydration is provided as a secondary or subsequent service after a different initial service (CPT codes 96360, 96365, 96374, 96409, 96413), and it is administered through the same IV access, report with CPT code 96361 for the first hour and again for each additional hour.
Although this change was made by the American Medical Association (AMA) effective January 1, 2009, providers are allowed to use either the 90772 code or the 96372 code until April 30, 2009.
CPT 99211: E/M service code 99211 will not be reimbursed when submitted with a diagnostic or therapeutic Injection code, with or without modifier 25. This very low service level code does not meet the requirement for “significant” as defined by CPT, and therefore should not be submitted in addition to the procedure code for the Injection.
When you code for injectable drugs, use a J-code to indicate the drug you used, and also report how many “units” of the drug you are billing for. What are the J-codes? These are 5-character alphanumeric codes—J3301, for example, is the J-code for Kenalog (triamcinolone acetonide). J-codes are a subset of the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding ...
To continue the Kenalog example, J3301’s listing includes “Triamcinolone acet inj nos” as the short descriptor, “10 mg” as the HPCS code dosage, and “1.887” as the payment limit.
35. Vincristine sulfate, liposome , 1 mg (Marqibo) (J9371) is covered for the treatment of adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome-negative (Ph-) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in second or greater relapse or whose disease has progressed following two or more anti-leukemia therapies (C91.02).
There are 5 milliliters (ML) per vial. You will bill J0702 (betamethasone acetate and betamethasone phosphate, per 3 mg) with the NDC unit of measure as ML, and NDC units as 0.5 milliliters (ML0.5) for one 3mg dose.
When a diagnostic and therapeutic Injection procedure is performed in a POS other than 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 51, 52, and 61 and an E/M service is provided on the same date of service, by the Same Individual Physician or Other Health Care Professional only the appropriate therapeutic and diagnostic injection (s) will be reimbursed and the EM service is not separately reimbursed.
When administering multiple infusions, injections, or combinations, only one initial service code should be reported, unless protocol requires that two separate IV sites must be used. If an injection or infusion is of a subsequent or concurrent nature, even if it is the first such service within a group of services, then a subsequent or concurrent code from the appropriate section should be reported.