icd 10 code for joint injection

by Dr. Watson Larkin DDS 8 min read

The drug code J7326 is for hyaluronan or derivative, Gel-One, for intra-articular injection per dose. Two doses were administered, and this should be reflected on the claim. The lidocaine is not billable, because it is an integral part of the injections. The ICD-10 code M17.Feb 17, 2018

Is your practice coding for facet joint injections correctly?

To make sure your practice is in compliance, billers, coders, and physicians should remain informed of the correct coding guidelines for facet joint injections. No one in a physician’s practice should ever assume that, because they coded a procedure a certain way in years past, it is still the status quo.

What is the CPT code for spinal cord injection?

For paravertebral spinal nerves and branch injections, image guidance (fluoroscopy or CT) is required for the performance of CPT codes 64490, 64491, 64493, and 64494 with any injection contrast, which is an included component of the code.

What joints can be injected for back pain?

The lumbar, cervical, and thoracic facet joints can cause pain in the back, hip, buttock, or leg. Placing medication into the joint through the injection should relieve any pain that a patient is experiencing, as well as assist in confirming or denying the joint as the source of pain.

What is the CPT code for paravertebral facet injection?

As defined by the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Professional edition code book, there are two distinct anatomic spinal regions for paravertebral facet injections: cervical /thoracic (codes 64490, 64491) and lumbar/sacral (codes 64493, 64494).


What is the CPT code for joint injections?

Billing the injection procedure The procedure code (CPT code) 20610 may be billed for the intraarticular injection.

What is the CPT code for small joint injection?

20600 Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection, small joint or bursa (e.g., fingers, toes); without ultrasound guidance.

How do you bill bursa injections?

If the provider aspirates/injects the joint/bursa without guidance of any kind, select from among 20600, 20605, and 20610. Report a single unit of 20600-20611 for each joint treated, regardless of how many aspirations and/or injections occur in a single joint.

What J code goes with 20610?

You may report the injection using 20610 and the drug supply using J7323 Hyaluronan or derivative, Euflexxa, for intra-articular injection, per dose (once unit, per dose) linked to a diagnosis of M17.

How do you bill a SI joint injection?

Report 27096 Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint, anesthetic/steroid, with image guidance (fluoroscopy or CT) including arthrography when performed for SI joint injection of anesthetic/steroid with fluoroscopy or CT guidance.

How do you bill for bilateral knee injections?

The CPT code 20611 is for an arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection, major joint or bursa (e.g., shoulder, hip, knee or subacromial bursa with ultrasound guidance, with permanent recording and reporting). The code is billed twice because this was a bilateral procedure.

Can I bill an office visit with a joint injection?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. It is true that an evaluation and management code, an E/M or office visit, can be reported with a minor procedure such as an injection, but only if the E/M is significant and separate and exceeds the “pre-service evaluation” that is inherent to the injection.

How do I bill for a cortisone shot?

An E/M visit can be billed in addition to the injection into the shoulder and the J-code for the medication injected. Modifier -25 must be added to the E/M service and billed with a diagnosis of knee pain. The injection code should be billed with a diagnosis of shoulder pain.

What is the CPT code for steroid injection?

A transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) performed at the T12-L1 level should be reported with CPT code 64479.

What is the difference between 20610 and 20611?

Use 20610 for a major joint or bursa, such as the shoulder, knee, or hip joint, or the subacromial bursa when no ultrasound guidance is used for needle placement. Report 20611 when ultrasonic guidance is used and a permanent recording is made with a report of the procedure.

What is the CPT code for intra-articular hip injection?

20610 would be the CPT code.

Is CPT 20610 and add on code?

20610 CPT Code Description. The 20610 CPT code is billed for a major joint or bursa injection or aspiration without ultrasound guidance. After administering a local anaesthetic, the physician inserts a needle through the skin and into a joint or bursa.