icd 10 code for medically necessary contact lenses

by Murl Lakin 7 min read

ICD-10: H27. 00, H27.Dec 6, 2017

Can ICD-10-CM be used for medical contact lenses?


What is the HCPCS code for contact lenses?

HCPCS Codes for Medically Necessary Prescribing V2510—Contact Lens, GP, Spherical, Per Lens V2511—Contact Lens, GP, Toric, Per Lens V2512—Contact Lens, GP, Bifocal, Per Lens

What is the ICD 10 code for hybrid contact lenses?

The Diagnosis Code: Indicate the appropriate ICD-10 diagnosis code and/or spectacle prescription verifying the condition The HCPCS Code: Use V2599 for hybrid lenses. Use V2531 for scleral lenses. When submitting a claim using V2599 or V2531, you must provide this information in Box 19: Type of lens (e.g., hybrid contact lens)

What is the MnCl code for medically necessary contact lens?

For medically necessary contact lens (MNCL) prescribing, for the most part, you are changing one set of codes to another. For example, in keratoconus, there were three codes in ICD-9-CM. 371.60 was keratoconus, unspecified, 371.61 was keratoconus, stable condition, and 371.62 was keratoconus, acute hydrops.


How do you code medically necessary contacts?

CPT Codes CPT codes are used to bill the fitting portion during the medically necessary contact lens fitting....WHAT QUALIFIES AS A MEDICALLY NECESSARY CONTACT LENS?CODEDESCRIPTIONV2511Contact Lens, GP, Toric, Per LensV2512Contact Lens, GP, Bifocal, Per Lens10 more rows•Feb 1, 2020

What does it mean if contacts are medically necessary?

Contact lenses are defined as medically necessary when the patient has an eye disease or prescription that has to be managed with contacts because glasses can't provide sufficient correction.

What is the modifier for medically necessary contacts?

Modifiers GA and GZ are often used if a procedure does not meet medical necessity as determined by a Medicare Local Coverage Determination or National Coverage Determination.

How do you bill VSP for medically necessary contacts?

In order to verify what VSP considers medically necessary, log in and scroll down to visually necessary contact lenses (NCLs) under “plans and coverage” in the “manuals” section. Specific eye conditions can be corrected only with contact lenses.

What is the difference between medically necessary and elective contacts?

Non-elective contact lenses, also called medically necessary contact lenses, are prescribed by your optometrist. Your eye doctor will let you know if you need medically necessary contact lenses. These types of contacts are not covered by a VSP Individual Vision Plan.

Does Medicare cover medically necessary contact lens?

While Medicare covers some vision services, it doesn't usually pay for eye exams or contact lenses. Some of the vision services original Medicare (parts A and B) may cover include: annual glaucoma test for people at high risk (including those with diabetes or a family history of glaucoma)

What is the CPT code for contact lenses?

Use CPT 92310, which is defined as: “Prescription of optical and physical characteristics of and fitting of contact lens, with medical supervision of adaptation; corneal lens, both eyes, except for aphakia.”

What is code V2520?

HCPCS code V2520 for Contact lens, hydrophilic, spherical, per lens as maintained by CMS falls under Assorted Contact Lenses .

What is code V2521?

2022 HCPCS Code V2521 : Contact lens, hydrophilic, toric, or prism ballast, per lens.

What makes a procedure medically necessary?

"Medically Necessary" or "Medical Necessity" means health care services that a physician, exercising prudent clinical judgment, would provide to a patient. The service must be: For the purpose of evaluating, diagnosing, or treating an illness, injury, disease, or its symptoms.

Are contact lenses covered by insurance?

Many health insurance plans include vision care that covers fitting fees and contact lenses. Insurance plans vary, so call your Eye Care Professional to talk coverage, or you can ask your employer, human resources director, or vision insurance company.

Is CPT 92310 covered by Medicare?

Procedure codes 65771, 92015, 92310, 92340-92342, 92370, 92390, 92391, are listed by Medicare with a status code “N”. These services are non-covered by statute. Beneficiaries may be billed for these services.

What makes a procedure medically necessary?

"Medically Necessary" or "Medical Necessity" means health care services that a physician, exercising prudent clinical judgment, would provide to a patient. The service must be: For the purpose of evaluating, diagnosing, or treating an illness, injury, disease, or its symptoms.

What is a medical contact lens?

A contact lens is a medical device and can be worn to correct vision, as well as for cosmetic or therapeutic reasons. In the United States, all contact lenses, even purely cosmetic ones, require a prescription. They must be properly fitted and prescribed by an Eye Care Professional.

What is considered elective contact lenses?

Elective Lenses Contact lenses are considered elective when the degree of vision correction needed can be achieved by either wearing glasses or contact lenses. Based on your prescription from your doctor, you will be given the choice to wear glasses or opt for the convenience that contact lenses provide.

When are glasses medically necessary?

An initial pair of contact lenses or eyeglasses is considered medically necessary under medical plans when they are prescribed by a physician to correct a change in vision directly resulting from an accidental bodily injury. Note: Charges to replace such contact lenses or eyeglasses are not covered under medical plans.

What is hydrophilic contact lens?

Hydrophilic contact lenses are eyeglasses within the meaning of the exclusion in §1862(a)(7) of the Act and are not covered when used in the treatment of nondiseased eyes with spherical ametropia, refractive astigmatism, and/or corneal astigmatism.

Do you have to do homework to bill for medical services?

There is no escaping the fact that YOU have to do your homework to be successful at billing for medical services. There are enough contractual differences between carriers and between regions, that you have to determine what the payment policies and fees are for each type of service and for each carrier. If you practice in more than one locale, you have to do this legwork for each locale—PERIOD!

What is the code for fitting contact lenses?

92071: Fitting of contact lens for treatment of ocular surface disease. (This is considered a unilateral code.) 8

What is medically necessary contact lens?

Here are a few examples: EyeMed: 1 “Contact lenses are defined as medically necessary if the individual is diagnosed with one of the following specific conditions:

What is keratoconus in eyeglasses?

Keratoconus when the member’s vision is not correctable to 20/25 in either or both eyes using standard spectacle lenses . Vision improvement other than keratoconus for members whose vision can be corrected two lines of improvement on the visual acuity chart when compared to the best corrected standard spectacle lenses.

What is the medical code for corneoscleral lenses?

92313: “Prescription of optical and physical characteristics of and fitting of contact lens, with medical supervision of adaptation; corneoscleral lens.”

What is non-elective contact lens?

Non-elective contact lenses, also called medically necessary contact lenses, are prescribed by your optometrist to correct these types of eye problems, whereas elective contacts are chosen by the patient to correct an eye issue that eyeglasses or sometimes laser surgery can also correct.

Why is it important to prepare for contact lenses?

As new contact lens technologies come to market and provide patients with greater benefits with medically necessary contact lenses, it is essential we prepare our practices accordingly. Ensure profitability and peace of mind by establishing internal controls and policies to match your increased clinical offerings. When you achieve good compliance, you will be able to enjoy peace of mind despite a highly scrutinized coverage environment.

Can a carrier adjust payment policy for new lens?

Here, establishing a line of communication with the carrier’s provider relations department is often beneficial. If you can provide documentation such as invoices, product descriptions and statements of medical necessity explaining why you feel patient outcomes would be enhanced with the new technology, the carrier may adjust payment policy to accommodate the new lens option.


Some have a definitive list of patient diagnosis codes that would qualify them for medically necessary lens benefits. Some may also further differentiate diseases into mild, moderate, and severe. For example, Eyemed insurance separates keratoconus patients as mild/moderate or advanced/ectasia. The provider manual has a section specifically for the classification, so it is important to refer to that section when classifying a patient so that you know into which category that patient falls.

What is the insurance code for contact lens fitting?

Most vision insurances are billed this way. They usually accept a contact lens fitting code (9231X) as one fee, then the V codes as another fee.

What is the CPT code for a corneal lens?

CPT code (s): 92310 (Prescription of Optical and Physical Characteristics of and Fitting of Contact Lens, with Medical Supervision of Adaptation; Corneal Lens, Both Eyes, Except for Aphakia)

What is the ICd 10 code for corneal transplant?

An example may look like this: 1 Jane Doe, 1-1-2001, ID# 1234, Plan XYZ 2 Diagnosis: corneal transplant status, ICD 10 code Z94.7 3 CPT code (s): 92310 (Prescription of Optical and Physical Characteristics of and Fitting of Contact Lens, with Medical Supervision of Adaptation; Corneal Lens, Both Eyes, Except for Aphakia) 4 V code (s): V2511-RT and V2511-LT (contact lens, GP, toric, per lens) 5 Usual and customary rate: $500 for 92310, $250 for V2511-RT, and $250 for V2511-LT 6 Patient has met his or her deductible in full; the co-pay for medically necessary contact lens services and materials is $25 7 The expected reimbursement from the insurance based on diagnosis code, CPT code, V codes, and allowed amounts is $400 total, according to Mary at Insurance Company A.

How to bill specialty lenses?

Step 1 The first step for specialty lens billing is to contact a patient’s insurance (vision and/or medical) and obtain a prior authorization for medically necessary contact lens coverage. This may not occur until after you see patients, so often it cannot be done prior to their appointment.

What is a V code?

V Codes These codes are used to bill the supply of the lens. In some cases, the supply is not billed separately, but the majority can be billed with a separate supply, which is the V code. Many practitioners are probably accustomed to billing V codes when billing for ophthalmic lenses, such as single vision or bifocals. The same holds true with contact lenses; use the proper V code to bill for the unique contact lens type.

What is billing and coding?

Billing and coding are a source of frustration for both practitioners and patients. Reimbursement methods and rates vary drastically between carriers and even sometimes between patients. Often, it is difficult to obtain a clear answer on what the proper method is, what codes to use, and how to determine coverage.
