icd-10 code for nafld

by Joannie Hoeger 3 min read

In the ICD-10-AM, two codes may be used to record NAFLD/NASH: K75. 8 'Other specified inflammatory liver diseases (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis)' and K76. 0 'Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)'.

What does NAFLD stand for?

Health care providers divide fatty liver disease into two types. If you just have fat but no damage to your liver, the disease is called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). If you have fat in your liver plus signs of inflammation and liver cell damage, the disease is called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

Is NAFLD the same as fatty liver?

NAFLD is a type of fatty liver disease that is not related to heavy alcohol use. There are two kinds: Simple fatty liver, in which you have fat in your liver but little or no inflammation or liver cell damage. Simple fatty liver typically does not get bad enough to cause liver damage or complications.

What are the types of NAFLD?

Two types of NAFLD are nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). People typically develop one type of NAFLD or the other, although sometimes people with one form are later diagnosed with the other form of NAFLD.

Is NAFLD and cirrhosis the same thing?

CLD is a continuous process of inflammation, destruction, and regeneration of liver parenchyma, which leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Is NAFLD considered liver disease?

NAFLD is increasingly common around the world, especially in Western nations. In the United States, it is the most common form of chronic liver disease, affecting about one-quarter of the population.

What causes NAFLD?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a type of steatosis that's caused by factors other than excessive alcohol use. The exact cause is not completely understood, but it often occurs with other metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.

How is NAFLD diagnosed?

Imaging procedures used to diagnose NAFLD include: Abdominal ultrasound, which is often the initial test when liver disease is suspected. Computerized tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen. These techniques lack the ability to distinguish NASH from NAFLD , but still may be used.

How do you treat NAFLD?

Lifestyle and dietary changes are currently the most effective options for managing NAFLD. Losing weight, being physically active, cutting back on sugar, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and drinking coffee (if you can tolerate it) are some of the methods that may help improve symptoms associated with NAFLD.

What is another name for fatty liver?

Fatty liver disease (steatosis) is a common condition caused by having too much fat build up in your liver. A healthy liver contains a small amount of fat. It becomes a problem when fat reaches 5% to 10% of your liver's weight.

What are the 4 stages of cirrhosis of the liver?

Cirrhosis is classified into four stages that include:Stage I: Steatosis. The first stage of liver disease is characterized by inflammation of the bile duct or liver. ... Stage II: Scarring (fibrosis) of the liver due to inflammation. ... Stage III: Cirrhosis. ... Stage IV: Liver failure or advanced liver disease or hepatic failure.

What stage is chronic liver disease?

Stage 4: Liver Failure When the liver stops functioning altogether, this refers to liver failure: the final stage of disease. At this stage, the liver cannot be repaired on its own or with treatments; a liver transplant is the only option for recovery. Liver failure can be acute or chronic.

Does fatty liver cause hair thinning?

These may initially include jaundice or a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyes, muscle wasting, hair thinning, abnormal skin blood vessels called spider angiomata, and splenomegaly (enlarged spleen).