icd 10 code for ot evaluation

by Ara Windler 5 min read

The new evaluation codes (97165, 97166, and 97167) will replace CPT® code 97003 and offer three levels of an occupational therapy evaluation: low, moderate, and high. There is one re-evaluation code (97168).

Full Answer

What is the correct CPT code for OT evaluation?

Coding Example – CPT answer •Correct CPT Code: 97166 (Moderate-Complexity OT Evaluation)

What does ICD-10 mean for Occupational therapists?

The move to ICD-10 was a double-edged sword for occupational therapists. The new code set contains over five-and-a-half times more codes than its predecessor. More specific codes allow you to select the code that accurately and clearly describes a patient’s current deficit area.

What do you need to know about an occupational therapy evaluation?

This evaluation requires an in-depth review of the patient’s medical and/or therapy records, including a secondary review of the patient’s relevant physical, cognitive, and psychosocial history. The patient may have comorbidities that impact their current level of occupational performance.

What are time-based CPT codes for Occupational Therapy Medical Billing?

Some occupational therapy medical billing CPT codes are “time-based” codes. Others are “untimed” codes. All procedures designated by time-based CPT codes are required to follow the Medicare CMS “8-Minute Rule.” The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, has released the following statement regarding billing units:


What are ICD-10 codes occupational therapy?

Commonly-Used OT ICD-10 CodesR63.3 — Feeding difficulties.G54.0 – Brachial Plexus disorders.R62.0 — Delayed milestones in childhood.G82.20 — Paraplegia unspecified.R27.0 — Ataxia, unspecified.F82 — Specific developmental disorder of motor function.M62.81 — Muscle weakness (generalized)More items...

What is an OT evaluation?

The purpose of an evaluation visit is to assess areas of function so that the occupational therapist can develop a treatment plan to meet the patient's specific needs. The areas assessed during an OT evaluation depend on the patient's age, diagnosis, and rehabilitation needs.

What should be included in an OT evaluation?

AssessmentsPain.Vital Signs.Mental Status.Skin Health.Joint Range of Motion.Manual Muscle Tests.Level of Assistance Needs with ADLs (if any)Sensation.More items...•

What is a treatment diagnosis with occupational therapy?

Remember,the treatment diagnosis is the code that represents the condition that therapy is treating, where the “medical diagnosis” is the code that typically comes from the physician or the hosptial discharge summary.

What is the CPT code for occupational therapy evaluation?

The new evaluation codes (97165, 97166, and 97167) will replace CPT® code 97003 and offer three levels of an occupational therapy evaluation: low, moderate, and high. There is one re-evaluation code (97168).

How do you write an occupational therapy progress note?

Make sure to include:Observations of how the client is performing in a specific task.How the client is performing throughout their occupational therapy session.Details about specific interventions or therapeutic activities the client engaged in and their response.

How do you bill an OT service?

The 97110 CPT code is one of the most frequently-used therapeutic procedure codes for occupational therapy.

Can you diagnose occupational therapy?

The insight of an OT can assist the clinician performing an evaluation to make the most accurate and comprehensive diagnosis possible. An OT can provide information to the diagnosing clinician by: Providing access to previous records if a child has been receiving occupational therapy prior to the diagnostic evaluation.

What is the modifier for occupational therapy?

Therapy ModifiersOccupational Therapy ModifiersModifierDescriptionCOOutpatient physical therapy services furnished in whole or in part by a occupational therapist assistant.GOService delivered personally by an occupational therapist or under an outpatient occupational therapy plan of care.Jan 14, 2020

Video training resources

Watch these short videos to learn more about coding and billing. And access the resources below for tips on how to select the right codes.

More videos about coding and billing

Watch these short videos to learn more about coding and billing. And access the resources below for tips on how to select the right codes.

Occupational therapy evaluation and re-evaluation codes

Coding is essential not only for proper reimbursement, but also because it is used as a tracking tool by CMS and other agencies to inform how occupational therapy is practiced. These tips will help you select the most appropriate evaluation codes.

Diagnosis coding resources

The ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification) system, replaced the ICD-9-CM (9th Revision) on October 1, 2015. AOTA developed the following resources to help occupational therapists deal with the continuing challenges of ICD-10-CM.

CPT (procedural) coding resources

These tips will help you select the most appropriate intervention codes.

NCCI edits

The Medicare National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI; also known as CCI) was implemented to promote national correct coding methodologies and to control improper coding leading to inappropriate payment in Medicare Part B claims.

What is an OT assessment?

The OT completes an assessment (s) identifying 5 or more performance deficits (i. e., relating to physical, cognitive, or psychosocial skills) that result in activity limitations and/or participation restrictions.

What is re-evaluation of occupational therapy?

Re-evaluation of occupational therapy established plan of care requiring: An assessment of changes in patient functional or medical status, along with a revised plan of care. An update to the initial occupational profile to reflect changes in condition or environment that affect future interventions and/or goals.

What is the code for physical therapy?

Instead, they will choose from a set of three different evaluative codes that are tiered according to complexity. Those codes are: 97161. Physical therapy evaluation: low complexity. 97162.

How long does an OT spend with a patient?

OT (97165) Typically, the OT spends 30 minutes face-to-face with the patient and/or family. The patient’s occupational profile and medical and therapy history includes a brief history with review of medical and/or therapy records related to the presenting problem.

What is the code language for occupational therapy?

The code language references the development of the plan of care as the final step in evaluation. The plan of care is written after all information is gathered and analyzed from the client’s history, occupational profile, performance deficits that result in activity limitation and/or performance restrictions, and standardized and non-standardized assessments. The therapist’s clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills provide a meaningful interpretation of the data in order to develop an effective treatment plan. The plan of care identifies the intervention strategies needed to improve the client’s functional performance. The plan of care identifies the specialized skills occupational ther-apy uses to achieve desired outcomes and substantiates the medical necessity of providing occupational therapy. Outcome goals are established to track the progress of intervention and identify occupational therapy’s distinct value. The plan of care is reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the intervention process/episode to assure that therapeutic priorities continue to be met.

What is the CPT language?

The CPT® language provides clear delineation of factors that can be related to not only the determination of the clinical decision making component but also factors that affect other components. The code language speaks to interrelated factors and thus an interrelated process that must be considered in determining the level of clinical decision making.

What is occupational profile?

The occupational profile provides an understanding of the client’s occupational history and experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs. The client’s problems and concerns about performing occupations and daily life activities are identified. The client’s priorities for outcomes are determined.

When a client has difficulty with an assessment, the therapist may need to make modification of directions, task complexity,

The therapist may need to make such adjustments in the assess-ment to get a clear picture of the scope of performance deficits resulting in activity limitations and/or performance limitations.

What is an occupational therapy evaluation of low complexity?

An occupational therapy evaluation of low complexity requires these components: An occupational profile and medical and therapy history, which includes a brief history comprising a review of medical and/or therapy records relating to the presenting problem.

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy is a professional field that employs assessment and intervention to develop, recover, and maintain the functions of everyday human activities. Occupational therapy evaluations typically include an occupational profile, patient medical and therapy histories, relevant assessments, and the development of a plan ...

What is CPT code?

Certain current procedural terminology (CPT) codes are set by the American Medical Association to designate services provided by occupational therapists. All occupational therapists must have a thorough understanding of the procedure codes needed to run their practice efficiently and bill properly for the services they provide.

What is an assessment in healthcare?

The assessment details the provider’s reasoning and analysis for the entire encounter. It should include a summary of the clinical reasons affecting patient occupational function as well as all information gathered from the subjective and objective sessions.

What is performance deficit assessment?

A performance deficit assessment is conducted to pinpoint areas where the patient is unable to finish an activity due to a lack of skill in one of three categories: physical, cognitive, or psychosocial.

What is a modality in medical?

A modality is an application of electrical, thermal, or mechanical energy in order to induce physiological changes in patients. Modalities are often used to alleviate pain, improve circulation, reduce swelling, reduce muscle spasm, and deliver medications in conjunction with other procedures. CPT Code. Description.

What is a therapeutic procedure?

Therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes; therapeutic exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility. 97112. Neuromuscular reeducation of movement, balance, coordination, kinesthetic. Sense, posture, and/or proprioception for sitting and/or standing activities.

General Information

CPT codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2020 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Article Guidance

Therapy evaluation and formal testing services involve clinical judgment and decision-making which is not within the scope of practice for therapy assistants.

Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type.

Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination.

What is the ICD-10 code for a therapist?

ICD-10 codes are highly specific, making it easier for therapists to select codes that describe the patient’s current impairment in greater detail. But many of these codes are quite similar, increasing your chances of incorrectly coding a diagnosis. Here are a few of the most common ICD-10 coding mistakes and how to avoid them.

What is the ICd 10 code?

ICD-10 is a diagnostic tool developed by the World Health Organization. ICD-10 codes are used in the United States by medical and therapy professionals to document medical and treatment diagnosis. These codes must be included in insurance claim submissions along with related CPT codes.

What is the 97110 CPT code?

The 97110 CPT code is one of the most frequently-used therapeutic procedure codes for occupational therapy. Knowing when to use this code, the documentation you’ll need to back it up, and when to use the 97530 CPT code instead will save you from potential billing headaches down the road.

What is upcoding in OT?

Upcoding — As the name implies, upcoding involves using a billing code that exceeds the patient’s current diagnosis or the level of treatment you provided.

How many tiers are there in occupational therapy evaluation?

Occupational therapy evaluation codes are broken into three tiers based on the level of complexity. Each one has a corresponding CPT code. An occupational therapy reevaluation has a single CPT code. Below is a brief snapshot of what an evaluation at each level would typically involve.

What are the problems with occupational therapy billing?

When claims are rejected, payment for services is delayed, robbing your practice of the operating capital it needs to thrive. Mistakes with coding can also result in incorrect information being added to a client’s billing record, being paid less compensation than you’re owed, or being flagged for an audit by an insurer. Here are some of the most frequently-made billing mistakes and how to steer clear of them.

What is the purpose of an assessment of a patient's occupational profile?

Analysis of the patient’s occupational profile and data from assessments is used to formulate a small number of treatment options. The evaluation requires a low degree of analytical skills to complete.

What is required for an OT evaluation?

OT evaluations require occupational profile/history, performance deficits, and clinical decision making. Development of a plan of care is also required. To bill an evaluation code, you must meet the requirements of all four components of the code.

What is considered high complexity assessment?

High complexity includes analysis of a comprehensive assessment with multiple treatment options and comorbidities affecting performance. Significant modification of tasks is required to complete the evaluation.

What is significant modification of tasks?

Significant modification of tasks is required to complete the evaluation. Modification refers to any assistance the occupational therapist must provide to the patient to complete the evaluation. This can include verbal cues or physical assistance.

What is included in an examination?

Examination also includes activity limitations, such as reported difficulty in performing any task, or activity and participation restrictions such as reported issues that limit interaction in work or social events.

Is physical therapy the same as occupational therapy?

Physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) evaluations are similar, but like the two disciplines themselves, there are some distinct differences. Both include four components that must be performed and documented to meet the requirements for a particular level of service. But where they part ways is the actual component requirements.

Can a PT and OT evaluation be billed?

Every PT and OT evaluation requires a plan of care. Without a plan of care, an evaluation cannot be billed. Evaluations are face-to-face services. Even if it takes multiple days to complete, an evaluation can only be billed once. Bill the evaluation on the date it is completed. PT and OT evaluations are untimed codes.
