icd 10 code for sequela

by Renee Rolfson 5 min read

The first describes the condition or nature of the sequela(e) and the second describes the sequela(e) or “late effect.” For example, you may report M81. 8 Other osteoporosis without current pathological fracture with E64. 8 Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies (calcium deficiency).Dec 1, 2015

What does sequelae mean in ICD 10?

In ICD-10 it is defined as “encounters after the patient has received active treatment of the injury and is receiving routine care for the injury during the healing or recovery phase. For example: In other words, sequela is the late effect of an injury or condition.

When to use sequela ICD 10?

  • XW033E5, Introduction of Remdesivir Anti-infective into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach, New Technology Group 5
  • XW043E5, Introduction of Remdesivir Anti-infective into Central Vein, Percutaneous Approach, New Technology Group 5
  • XW033G5, Introduction of Sarilumab into Peripheral Vein, Percutaneous Approach, New Technology Group 5

More items...

How many codes in ICD 10?

  • ICD-10 codes were developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) External file_external .
  • ICD-10-CM codes were developed and are maintained by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics under authorization by the WHO.
  • ICD-10-PCS codes External file_external were developed and are maintained by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. ...

What are the new ICD 10 codes?

The new codes are for describing the infusion of tixagevimab and cilgavimab monoclonal antibody (code XW023X7), and the infusion of other new technology monoclonal antibody (code XW023Y7).


What is a sequela in ICD-10?

Defining Sequela ICD-10-CM says the seventh character S is “for use for complications or conditions that arise as a direct result of an injury, such as scar formation after a burn. The scars are sequelae of the burn.” In other words, sequela are the late effects of an injury.

How do you code a sequela?

Coding of a sequela requires reporting of the condition or nature of the sequela sequenced first, followed by the sequela (7th character "S") code. Examples of sequela (7th character "S") diagnosis codes included in this policy: M48.

Is sequela coded first?

A sequela code is for complications or conditions that arise as a direct result of a condition or injury. Examples include joint contracture after a tendon injury, hemiplegia after a stroke or scar formation following a burn. The sequela code should be primary and followed by the injury/condition code.

What is the difference between sequela and subsequent encounter?

D (subsequent encounter) describes any encounter after the active phase of treatment, when the patient is receiving routine care for the injury during the period of healing or recovery. S (sequela) indicates a complication or condition that arises as a direct result of an injury.

What are examples of sequela?

Sequela: A pathological condition resulting from a prior disease, injury, or attack. As for example, a sequela of polio. Verbatim from the Latin "sequela" (meaning sequel). Plural: sequelae.

What is sequela medical term?

Definition of sequela 1 : an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury. 2 : a secondary result.

What is the difference between complication and sequelae?

However, it is important to note that with a sequela, the acute phase of an illness or injury has resolved or healed, and the sequela is left. Conversely, a complication is a condition that occurs as a result of treatment, or a condition that interrupts the healing process from an acute illness or injury.

Which ICD-10-CM official guideline is concerned with sequela?

Assign code B94. 8, Sequelae of other specified infectious and parasitic diseases, for discharges/encounters prior to October 1, 2021, or code U09. 9, Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified, for discharges/encounters on or after October 1, 2021, as a secondary diagnosis for the sequelae of a COVID-19 infection.

When coding a sequela the residual condition is sequenced first and the sequela is sequenced second?

Coding Guideline I.B.10. Coding of sequela generally requires two codes sequenced in the following order: The condition or nature of the sequela is sequenced first. The sequela code is sequenced second.

Which of the following are considered a late effect sequela regardless of time?

Terms in this set (97) Which of the following are considered a (late effect) sequelae regardless of time? nonunion, malunion, scarringNonunion is a fracture that will not heal. This is the correct answer.

What is the difference between initial encounter and subsequent encounter?

The initial visit typically describes the first visit by the admitting physician (or the consultant when the payer doesn't recognize consultation codes). As providers follow the patients during a hospital stay, those services are billed with subsequent encounter codes.

What does late effect mean in coding?

In ICD-9 we used the term "late effect" to indicate a chronic or residual condition or a complication of an acute condition that occurs after the acute phase of a disease, illness or injury has passed." Late effects could also be caused indirectly by the treatment for a disease or other condition.

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What is sequela in medical terms?

In other words, sequela are the late effects of an injury. Perhaps the most common sequela is pain. Many patients receive treatment long after an injury has healed as a result of pain. Some patients might never have been treated for the injury at all.

What is the 7th character in ICd 10?

ICD-10-CM says the seventh character S is “for use for complications or conditions that arise as a direct result of an injury, such as scar formation after a burn. The scars are sequelae of the burn.” In other words, sequela are the late effects of an injury.#N#Perhaps the most common sequela is pain. Many patients receive treatment long after an injury has healed as a result of pain. Some patients might never have been treated for the injury at all. As time passes, the pain becomes intolerable and the patient seeks a pain remedy.#N#A late effect can occur only after the acute phase of the injury or illness has passed; therefore, you cannot report a code for the acute illness and a code for the late effect at the same encounter, for the same patient. The only exception occurs if both conditions exist (for example, the patient has a current cerebrovascular condition and deficits from an old cerebrovascular condition).#N#When reporting sequela (e), you usually will need to report two codes. The first describes the condition or nature of the sequela (e) and second the second describes the sequela (e) or “late effect.” For example, you may report M81.8 Other osteoporosis without current pathological fracture with E64.8 Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies (calcium deficiency).#N#If a late effect code describes all of the relevant details, you should report that one code, only (e.g., I69.191 Dysphagia following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage ).#N#For example: A patient suffers a low back injury that heals on its own. The patient isn’t seeking intervention for the initial injury, but for the pain that persists long after. The chronic pain is sequela of the injury. Such a visit may be reported as G89.21 Chronic pain due to trauma and S39.002S Unspecified injury of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, sequela.

What is a subsequent encounter?

ICD-10-CM defines subsequent encounters as “encounters after the patient has received active treatment of the injury and is receiving routine care for the injury during the healing or recovery phase. Examples of subsequent care are: cast change or removal, removal of external or internal fixation device, medication adjustment, other aftercare and follow up visits following injury treatment.”#N#A seventh character “D” is appropriate during the recovery phase, no matter how many times he has seen the provider for this problem, previously.#N#Note that ICD-10-CM guidelines do not definitively establish when “active treatment” becomes “routine care.” Active treatment occurs when the provider sees the patient and develops a plan of care. When the patient is following the plan, that is subsequent. If the provider needs to adjust the plan of care—for example, if the patient has a setback or must returns to the OR—the care becomes active, again.

Is chronic pain a sequela of an injury?

The patient isn’t seeking intervention for the initial injury, but for the pain that persists long after. The chronic pain is sequela of the injury.
