icd 10 code for shave excision

by Adrianna Auer I 9 min read

For documentation of “shaving a lesion” assign code 31230-01 [1620] Excision of lesion of skin and subcutaneous tissue of nose. [Effective 20 Jan 2010, ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS 6th Ed.]

What is the CPT code for shave removal?

Shave removal of skin lesions (CPTcodes 11300–11313) includes the removal of tangential or saucerized skin lesions to a level no deeper than the base of the dermis.

What is the CPT code for excision of lesion?

A lesion excision is a full-thickness removal of a lesion. The codes for shaving of lesions (11300-11313) are broken down by site and size and are used for both benign and malignant lesions. The correct CPT code for a shave should be reported. *This response is based on the best information available as of 08/09/18.

Is a shave the same as a lesion excision?

No. According to CPT, a shave is the sharp removal by transverse incision or horizontal slicing to remove epidermal or dermal lesions without a full-thickness dermal excision . A lesion excision is a full-thickness removal of a lesion.

When is a shave code appropriate for a pathology report?

When the intent is to entirely remove the pathology by anything less than a full thickness technique, a shave code may be appropriate, even if the pathology report confirms complete removal of the lesion.


What is the CPT code for shave excision?

Shave Removals and Excisions Shave removal of skin lesions (CPT codes 11300–11313) includes the removal of tangential or saucerized skin lesions to a level no deeper than the base of the dermis.

What is the CPT code for shave biopsy?

By CPT definition, there is no such thing as a shave biopsy. There are codes for shaving of lesions (11300-11313) and there are codes for biopsies of lesions (11100, 11101), but there are no codes for shave biopsies of lesions.

What is the difference between shave biopsy and shave excision?

It's really quite simple. Carefully review the definition of a shave removal. The wording simply states, “removal.” That means the lesion was removed by shaving. A biopsy is when only a portion of a lesion, tissue, or skin is removed in order to obtain a diagnosis.

Is shave removal considered an excision?

What is a shave excision? A shave excision is a simple procedure that your doctor can use to remove growths, such as moles, lesions, and tumors, from your skin. The primary tool used in this procedure is a sharp razor.

How do you bill for a shave biopsy?

CPT coding:11104 (punch biopsy) 1st procedure,11103 (shave biopsy, each additional lesion, leg) 2nd procedure.11103 (shave biopsy each additional lesion chest) 3rd procedure.

Is a shave biopsy excisional?

Excisional biopsy A doctor uses a skin biopsy to diagnose skin conditions and remove abnormal tissue. The three main types of skin biopsies are: Shave biopsy.

Which code reports an excisional procedure?

Intermediate and complex repair codes may be reported with excision of benign lesions (CPT codes 11401-11406, 11421-11426, 11441-11471) and excision of malignant lesions (CPT codes 11600-11646).

How do you code excision of a lesion?

CPT codes 11400-11446 should be used when the excision is a full-thickness (through the dermis) removal of a lesion, including margins, and includes simple (non-layered) closure. The provider should use the appropriate CPT code and the diagnosis code should match the CPT code.

How do you code multiple shave biopsies?

Shave Biopsies (codes 11300-11313) use a sharp instrument to remove epidermal or dermal lesions without a full thickness excision. Shave biopsy codes are selected based on the location and size of the lesion.

Is 11301 an add on code?

CPT® Code 11301 in section: Shaving of epidermal or dermal lesion, single lesion, trunk, arms or legs.

What is the difference between a tangential biopsy and a shave biopsy?

Tangential shave biopsy is superficial and best suited to small, raised, benign lesions. Saucerization shave biopsy is deeper and is used for excisional biopsy of atypical nevi, for squamous and basal cell carcinomas, and as initial biopsy for suspected melanoma.

What is a shave biopsy of skin?

A shave biopsy is a diagnostic test where a thin piece of skin is removed from the surface using a sharp blade. The skin is then examined under a microscope.

What is the difference between a shave removal and an excision?

Additionally, skin lesion excisions include margins, as the intent of an excision procedure is to remove the entire lesion along with a margin of normal skin around it. 2.

What is a specialized excision code?

Specialized excision codes include those of the soft tissue. Soft tissue excision codes typically used by dermatologists are not numbered consecutively, are site-specific, and are typically used for resection of benign tumors confined to the subcutaneous tissue below the skin but above the deep fascia.

What is the CPT code for biopsy?

Specifically, biopsy ( CPT codes 11100/11101) is described as an “independent…procedure to obtain tissue for pathologic examination.” 1 The method of biopsy is not specified by CPT and can include any of the following, as long as the primary purpose of the procedure is to remove tissue for analysis: removal by scissors, shaving with a blade or specialized instrument to any level including the subcutaneous fat, extraction using a punch, and excision down to the subcutaneous fat with a scalpel. The feature that differentiates biopsy from shave removal or excision is not depth or extent of tissue mobilization but the intent “to remove a portion of skin, suspect lesion, or entire lesion so that it can be examined histologically.” 2 The underlying assumption is that neither definitive clinical nor histologic diagnosis exists prior to biopsy, the purpose of which is to help establish the identity of the lesion.

When is a biopsies coded?

Biopsies are coded when there is an independent procedure to remove skin for histologic analysis to help establish a definitive histologic diagnosis. Coding for shave removals and excisions requires the intent to remove the entire lesion. Unlike shave removals, excisions can be coded only if the lesion is removed to the level ...

What is CPT billing?

The Current Procedural Terminology ( CPT) codes used in billing for these procedures typically are generic, but it is important to differentiate between 3 degrees of tissue removal—biopsy, shave removal, and excision—when billing for these services since different codes may be appropriate in each of these circumstances.

What is the note size for excision of benign lesion?

Excision of benign lesion#N#Need a calulation of a benign excision of the shoulder when the note only states 4mm x 5mm. Another one is 6mm and another is 4mm x 6mm is all that is in the note. Thank You!!

How wide is a lesion in the shoulder?

For example, the surgeon excises an irregularly shaped, malignant lesion from a patient's left shoulder. The lesion measures 1.5 cm at its widest. To ensure removal of all malignancy, the surgeon allows a margin of at least 1.5 cm on all sides.

What is an incisional biopsy?

An incisional biopsy requires the use of a sharp blade (not a punch tool) to remove a full-thickness sample of tissue via a vertical incision or wedge, penetrating deep to the dermis, into the subcutaneous space. An incisional biopsy may sample subcutaneous fat.

What is partial thickness biopsies?

The CPT Guidelines state: “Partial-thickness biopsies are those that sample a portion of the thickness of skin or mucous membrane and do not penetrate below the dermis or lamina propria, full-thickness biopsies penetrate tissue deep to the dermis or lamina propria, into the subcutaneous or submucosal space.

What is a punch biopsy?

Punch Biopsy. A punch biopsy required a punch tool to remove a full thickness cylindrical sample of the skin. The intent of the biopsy is to remove a sample of a cutaneous lesion for a diagnostic pathologic examination. Simple closure is include and cannot be billed separately.

Is a skin lesion considered a biopsy?

When a skin lesion is entirely removed, either by excision or shave removal and sent to pathology for examination, it is not considered a biopsy for coding purposes but an excision and should be reported with the excision codes not biopsy CPT codes.
