icd 10 code for sweet syndrome

by Marguerite Conroy IV 9 min read

ICD-10 | Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis [Sweet] (L98. 2)

What is the sweet syndrome?

Sweet's syndrome is an uncommon skin condition marked by a distinctive eruption of tiny bumps that enlarge and are often tender to the touch. They can appear on the back, neck, arms or face. Sweet's syndrome, also called acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, is an uncommon skin condition.Dec 19, 2020

What is atypical Sweet syndrome?

Sweet's Syndrome is a rare neutrophilic dermatosis thought to be a result of immune dysregulation occurring in the setting of drug exposure, recent infection, pregnancy, and underlying malignancy or idiopathic with specific and widely accepted diagnostic criteria established in the literature.

What is neutrophilic dermatosis?

The neutrophilic dermatoses are a group of disorders characterized by skin lesions for which histologic examination reveals intense epidermal, dermal, or hypodermal infiltrates composed primarily of neutrophils with no evidence of infection or true vasculitis [1].Aug 11, 2021

Why is it called Sweet syndrome?

Neutrophilic dermatoses are autoinflammatory conditions often associated with systemic disease. Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis also has the eponymous name, Sweet syndrome or disease—named after Dr Robert Douglas Sweet from Plymouth, England, who first described it in 1964.

What does Sweet's syndrome look like?

Sweet syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by fever and the sudden onset of a rash, which consists of multiple tender, red or bluish-red bumps or lesions. These lesions usually occur on the arms, legs, trunk, face or neck.

Is Sweet syndrome autoimmune?

Sweet syndrome is a rare skin condition characterised by fever and sudden onset of painful skin lesions. In rare cases, Sweet syndrome has been reported to occur in association with Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune condition characterised by dry eyes and mouth.Dec 3, 2020

Is Sweet syndrome fatal?

Its association to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome has rarely been described. We report a case of chronic and relapsing Sweet syndrome associated to a chronic and idiopathic systemic inflammatory response syndrome that lasted seven years and proved fatal to the patient.

Is Sweet syndrome contagious?

What is Sweet's Syndrome? Sweet's syndrome (also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis) is a rare skin disorder characterised by a fever and the appearance of tender red or purple lumps or patches on the skin that may ulcerate. It is not contagious, not hereditary and not a form of skin cancer.

What is Sweet's syndrome?

Sweet's syndrome (SS), or acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is a skin disease characterized by the sudden onset of fever, an elevated white blood cell count, and tender, red, well-demarcated papules and plaques that show dense infiltrates by neutrophil granulocytes on histologic examination.

What is the ICD10 code for L98.2?

This means that while there is no exact mapping between this ICD10 code L98.2 and a single ICD9 code, 695.89 is an approximate match for comparison and conversion purposes.
