icd 10 diagnosis code for social anxiety disorder

by Maybell Gottlieb 9 min read

Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] F41.0 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2019 edition of ICD-10-CM F41.0 became effective on October 1, 2018.

For instance, DSM-5 uses F40. 10 for Social Anxiety Disorder which maps to “Social Phobia, Unspecified” in the ICD-10-CM. Social phobia, generalized is coded as F40. 11, which may be a more appropriate diagnostic code for different presentations.

Full Answer

What is the diagnosis code for social anxiety disorder?

Social phobia, unspecified F01-F99 2022 ICD-10-CM Range F01-F99 Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders Includes disorders of... F40.1 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F40.1 Social phobias 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Non-Billable/Non-Specific...

How to get a diagnosis for social anxiety disorder?

Your health care provider may determine a diagnosis based on:

  • Physical exam to help assess whether any medical condition or medication may trigger symptoms of anxiety
  • Discussion of your symptoms, how often they occur and in what situations
  • Review of a list of situations to see if they make you anxious
  • Self-report questionnaires about symptoms of social anxiety

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What is the best treatment for social anxiety?

Treating Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Therapy. There are a few benefits of therapy. ...
  • Consider medication. Because social anxiety can be a severe, ongoing disorder, a mental health professional may prescribe medication to help you cope.
  • Alternative options. ...
  • The bottom line. ...

What is the prognosis for social anxiety disorder?

The long-term prognosis for people with social anxiety disorder is excellent, especially if they can find help from therapists who have experience working with socially anxious patients, or in residential treatment facilities that offer treatment plans specifically customized for social anxiety disorder. The latter can be especially important if co-occurring disorders are present that also need to be addressed.


What is the ICD-10 code for social anxiety disorder?

ICD-10 Definition of Social Anxiety Disorder. F40. 1 Social Phobias.

What is the ICD-10 diagnosis code for anxiety?

Code F41. 9 is the diagnosis code used for Anxiety Disorder, Unspecified. It is a category of psychiatric disorders which are characterized by anxious feelings or fear often accompanied by physical symptoms associated with anxiety.

Is there a diagnosis for social anxiety?

DSM-5 criteria for social anxiety disorder include: Persistent, intense fear or anxiety about specific social situations because you believe you may be judged negatively, embarrassed or humiliated. Avoidance of anxiety-producing social situations or enduring them with intense fear or anxiety.

Is social anxiety a billable code?

F40. 10 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

What is the ICD-10 diagnosis code for depression with anxiety?

2 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.

What is the diagnosis code F41 1?

1 - Generalized anxiety disorder.

Who can diagnose social anxiety disorder?

A psychologist or medical doctor can diagnose social anxiety disorder. They compare your symptoms to the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

What is the DSM-5 code for social anxiety?


Who is most diagnosed with social anxiety disorder?

Statistically, social anxiety disorder is more common in women than in men. Despite the availability of effective treatments, fewer than 5% of people of with social anxiety disorder seek treatment in the year following initial onset. More than a third of people report symptoms for 10 or more years before seeking help.

What is generalized social anxiety disorder?

Individuals who develop generalized social anxiety disorder fear most social settings; this includes both social interactions as well as performance situations. Often the range of social fears is so large that individuals do not report the list in full.

What's the difference between social anxiety and Social phobia?

Social phobia refers to the fear of being scrutinized and judged while performing some type of task in public, while social anxiety describes feelings of intense nervousness and self-consciousness that sufferers experience during one-on-one meetings or group social gatherings.

How many symptoms do you need to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder?

The diagnosis of social anxiety disorder is based on the DSM-5. The patient must have a marked, persistent fear of, or anxiety about one or more social situations in which they may be judged by others. The symptoms must persist for 6 or more months.

What is the term for fear of social situations?

Exposure to social situations immediately provokes an anxiety response. In adults, the social phobia is recognized as excessive or unreasonable. Extreme apprehension or fear of social interaction or social situations in general. Compare social anxiety.

What is a social phobia?

Clinical Information. An anxiety disorder characterized by an intense, irrational fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the individual believes that he or she will be scrutinized by others.

What is the F41.8 mental illness?

Hysteria (F41.8)- Excessive, uncontrollable or exaggerated emotion or excitement. Neurosis (F41.1) – Mild form of mental illness irrational in nature, not caused by organic disease. Separation anxiety (F93.0) – Excessive anxiety experienced by an individual regarding separation from home or from loved ones.

What is F51.5?

Answer: F51.5. 4. Anxiety disorder induced by drugs – Individuals develop anxiety disorders also as a result of long-term use of certain medications like corticosteroids, ADHD drugs, drugs containing caffeine, Asthma medications, Seizure drugs etc..

What is the diagnosis of a 30-year-old woman?

She was recently diagnosed with adjustment disorder with anxiety due to death of her parents in an accident last year and being fired recently from her job. She has since noticed long periods of restlessness, feeling overwhelmed, and difficulty concentrating, with occasional chest pain and excessive sweating, which interferes with her daily life. A physical and psychological assessment was performed. Anti-anxiety medication was adjusted, and the patient was encouraged to continue psychotherapy sessions.

Can alcohol cause anxiety?

Anxiety associated with other mental disorders. 1. Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced anxiety disorder – Change in neurotransmitter levels in the brain due to influence of alcohol can cause anxiety that can last for several hours.

Is anxiety a psychiatric disorder?

While anxiety is a normal human emotion, an anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by regular or frequent feelings of restlessness, worry, tension, rapid heartbeat or phobias which can cause disruption in the everyday life of the individual. This is a very common emotional disorder affecting all age groups.

What are the criteria for diagnosis of social phobia?

Following criteria should be met for a definitive diagnosis of Social phobia. The anxiety symptoms including behavioral, psychological and autonomic manifestations should be primary and not secondary to other symptoms as obsessions or delusions. Anxiety predominates or must be restricted to social situations.

What is the ICD-10 code for agoraphobia?

F40.0 Agoraphobia according to Anxiety ICD-10. Agoraphobia is a term which was introduced to use for the fear of public spaces but now its usage has increased to the aspects related to open spaces. For instance, now the term agoraphobia can also be used for fear of crowds’ presence and the difficulty to find an escape particularly towards home.

Why do people with agoraphobia experience less anxiety?

Differential Diagnosis. Some people with agoraphobia experience less anxiety because they are focused on avoiding phobic situations. It should be carefully observed if other symptoms like depression, obsessions, depersonalization and social phobias were present before the symptoms of anxiety.

What does it mean when you have phobic anxiety?

The person suffering from phobic anxiety may have feelings of palpitation, feeling faint or even have a secondary fear of dying, losing control or going crazy. The person who is suffering from phobic anxiety would not feel relieved by the fact that other people do not consider the situation as threatening.

What is free floating anxiety?

Free-floating anxiety is the main feature of generalized anxiety disorder which means the anxiety is not specific to a situation or object. Continuous feeling of trembling, epigastric discomfort, palpitations, nervousness, sweating, muscular tension and lightheadedness is common just like other anxiety disorders.

Why do three disorders have historical association?

This has been done because three of these disorders have historical association because of their link with neurosis possible psychological causation. However, the reason to bring these three disorders in one cluster is not neurosis but all the disorders are dealt with carefully while bringing under these clusters.

Is phobic anxiety a depression?

Phobic anxiety is often found co-existent with depression and it gets worse during intercurrent depressive episodes. Depressive mood is often accompanied by some phobias especially agoraphobia and some depressive episodes are accompanied by a temporary episode of phobic anxiety.

What is social anxiety disorder?

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder involving discomfort around social interaction, and concern about being embarrassed and judged by others (NIH, 2014) . This discomfort will be experienced as fear and anxiety, and will be accompanied by autonomic arousal, including diaphoreses, apnea, tremors, tachycardia, and nausea ( ADAA, 2014). It can range in severity to a discomfort which can be circumvented and adapted to, to a virtually disabling fear with infiltration into multiple areas of life (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The discomfort that people with Social Anxiety Disorder experience can generalize to routine activities such as eating in front of others, or using a public bathroom. People with social phobia desire social contacts and want to participate in social situations, but their anxiety can become unbearable (NIMH, 2014).Social anxiety can lead to isolation, and either absence of development or stagnation of social skills, which can intensify existing social anxiety.

How many criteria are there for social anxiety?

According to the DSM-5, (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), there are a total of ten diagnostic criteria for Social Anxiety disorder : fear or anxiety specific to social settings, in which a person feels noticed, observed, or scrutinized. In a adult, this could include a first date, a job interview, ...

What age does social anxiety start?

Onset. According to the DSM-5, the median age of onset of social anxiety disorder in the US is age 13, with 75% of those with social anxiety disorder experiencing the onset at a range of ages 8-15. The onset can either be insidious, or sudden onset triggered by a specific event. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

What is the causal factor of social withdrawal?

BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) can result in social withdrawal and avoidance, but the causal factor is discomfort with a perceived physical flaw .

How to treat social phobia?

Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) with an emphasis on exposure can reduce symptoms of social phobia. Exposure therapy involves gradually placing oneself in anxiety provoking situations, and associating the feared stimulus with a response of relaxation or indifference.

How long does social interaction last?

social interaction will consistently provoke distress, social interactions are either avoided, or painfully and reluctantly endured, the fear and anxiety will be grossly disproportionate to the actual situation, the fear, anxiety or other distress around social situations will persist for six months or longer and.

What is phobic behavior in children?

In children, the phobic/avoidant behaviors must occur in settings with peers, rather than adult interactions, and will be expressed in terms of age appropriate distress, such as cringing, crying, or otherwise displaying obvious fear or discomfort.
