icd-10-pcs code for diagnostic dilation and curettage

by Prof. Rahul Gutmann 5 min read

The code descriptor for 69.02 is Dilation and curettage following delivery and abortion. This code would be assigned whether or not the procedure was performed with or without a scope.

What is the ICD-10-PCS code for diagnostic hysteroscopy with D&C?

The correct code is 0DBL8ZX.

Which value represents the medical and surgical section in ICD-10-PCS?

In ICD-10-PCS, the values 027 specify the section Medical and Surgical (0), the body system Heart and Great Vessels (2) and the root operation Dilation (7).

Are there ICD 10 procedure codes?

ICD-10-PCS will be the official system of assigning codes to procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States. ICD-10-PCS codes will support data collection, payment and electronic health records. ICD-10-PCS is a medical classification coding system for procedural codes.

What is the code description for the PCS code GZB2ZZZ?

ICD-10-PCS Code GZB2ZZZ - Electroconvulsive Therapy, Bilateral-Single Seizure - Codify by AAPC.

What code should be reported for a diagnostic dilation and curettage for a patient experiencing heavy bleeding that is not associated with pregnancy?

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for diagnostic dilation and curettage (D&C) is 58120.

Which ICD-10-PCS code character identifies the general type of procedure?

Character Meanings Medical and surgical procedure codes have a first character value of “0”. The second character indicates the general body system (e.g., gastrointestinal). The third character indicates the root operation, or specific objective, of the procedure (e.g., excision).

What is the difference between ICD-10 and ICD-10-PCS?

Primary difference between ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS This is the code set for diagnosis coding and is used for all healthcare settings in the United States. ICD-10PCS, on the other hand, is used in hospital inpatient settings for inpatient procedure coding.

When would you use an ICD-10-PCS code?

inpatient settingICD-10-PCS is a classification system which is used for coding procedures and services provided in the inpatient setting of hospitals in the United States.

Where can I find a list of ICD-10 codes?

ICD-10 CM Guidelines, may be found at the following website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/icd/Comprehensive-Listing-of-ICD-10-CM-Files.htm.

What is an ECT scan?

Overview. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure, done under general anesthesia, in which small electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental health conditions.

What is the ICD-10 PCS section for pregnancy?

The Obstetrics section is one of the smaller sections in ICD-10-PCS. It contains a single body system value, pregnancy (0), 12 root operation values, and three body part values: Products of Conception (0), Products of Conception, Retained (1), and Products of Conception, Ectopic (2). Because there is only one body system and 12 root operations, there are only 12 tables available in the Obstetrics section from which to construct procedure codes.

What section is the procedure coded to?

Procedures performed on the products of conception are coded to the Obstetrics section . Procedures performed on the pregnant female other than the products of conception are coded to the appropriate root operation in the Medical and Surgical section.

What is the best section to learn ICD-10 PCS?

The Obstetrics section is a good section with which to begin ICD-10-PCS training because of the relatively limited number of root operations and tables. While there are two root operations that apply only to Obstetrics, the other 10 root operations also are used in the Medical and Surgical section. Learning the definitions of those 10 root operations common to both sections and learning how these definitions are applied in the Obstetrics section will help coders understand how they are used and applied in the Medical and Surgical section as well. In the process of learning ICD-10-PCS Obstetrics coding, coders also will become familiar with the format of the tables and will be able to learn how to easily use these tables to construct a code.

Where is curettage performed?

Procedures performed following a delivery or abortion for curettage of the endometrium or evacuation of retained products of conception are all coded in the Obstetrics section, to the root operation Extraction and the body part Products of Conception, Retained. Diagnostic or therapeutic dilation and curettage performed during times other than the postpartum or post-abortion period are all coded in the Medical and Surgical section, to the root operation Extraction and the body part Endometrium.

What is the approach value for vaginal extraction?

Vaginal extractions always are reported with the approach value 7 , Via Natural or Artificial Opening, and require a qualifier to specifically identify the type of assisted vaginal delivery as Low Forceps (3), Mid Forceps (4), High Forceps (5), Vacuum (6), Internal Version (7) or Other (8).

What is a procedure coded to the products of conception body part?

Example: Amniocentesis is coded to the products of conception body part in the Obstetrics section.

What is the approach value for a cesarean delivery?

Cesarean deliveries always are reported with the approach value 0 for open approach and require a qualifier to more specifically identify the approach as Classical (0), Low Cervical (1) or Extraperitoneal (2).

What is the CPT code for D&C?

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code for diagnostic dilation and curettage (D&C) is 58120. CPT codes are an integral part of the billing process used by insurance companies in healthcare.

How many digits are in a CPT code?

Every medical, diagnostic, or surgical procedure or service has an associated five-digit CPT code assigned to it. CPT codes are created, trademarked, and published by the American Medical Association (AMA). They have now become the standard for doctors, coders, patients, and insurance companies to label and identify medical services and procedures.

What is a D&C?

What is dilation and curettage? Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove abnormal tissues from inside the womb. In this procedure, the doctor uses small instruments or medication to open (dilate) the cervix (the lower, narrow part of the womb). The doctor then uses a surgical instrument called a curette to remove the tissues from ...

Why are CPT codes important?

CPT codes are of primary importance for a few different reasons that may include: They are used by insurers to determine the amount of reimbursement a practitioner will receive under health insurance coverage (and ultimately how much of the bill the patient will be left responsible for). They are used by insurers to determine whether ...

What is the code for fistulization of the sclera for glaucoma through the

The code for the fistulization of the sclera for glaucoma through the ciliary body is 0123T. In this case, the last letter of Category III codes is T. This is in the experimental stage.

Why do doctors do D&C?

The doctor performs D&C to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions such as. To know the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. To check why there is heavy bleeding after menopause. To do a routine test for cervical cancer.

What is Category 2 code?

Category II: This code set is used primarily for performance management. These codes are optional but may provide important information that can be used in performance management and future patient care. Example includes:

Where is dilation coded?

Diagnostic or therapeutic dilation and curettage performed during times other than the postpartum or post-abortion period are all coded in the Medical and Surgical section, to the root operation Extraction and the body part Endometrium.

How many codes are available for spontaneous vaginal delivery?

Only one code is available for a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery.

What is a coded body part?

If a procedure is performed on a portion of a body part that doesn't have a separate body part value, the whole body part is coded. Paramedics bring a 25-year-old man to the ED after a snowmobiling accident. It is determined that, because he had been driving too fast, he slid off a public snowmobile trail and hit a tree.

What does 10Q08ZE mean?

10Q08ZE, Repair nervous system in products of conception, via natural or artificial opening endoscopic

Where is the post abortion period coded?

post‐abortion period are all coded in the Medical and Surgicalsection, to the root operation Extraction and the body part Endometrium.”