icd 10 procedure code for vasectomy

by Alphonso Streich 8 min read

ICD-10-CM Code for Vasectomy status Z98. 52.

What is the CPT code for vasectomy?

Outpatient Procedure Codes - CPT Codes 55250 Encounter Vasectomy, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure), including postoperative semen examination(s)

What is the ICD-9 code for pre-vasectomy consultation?

3. Confirm Dx with Your Payers The ICD-9 code that is most appropriate for the pre-vasectomy examination — whether it’s a consultation or a new/established patient visit — is V25.09 (Encounter for contraceptive management; general counseling and advice; other). You should link V25.2 (... sterilization) to the vasectomy procedure.

What is a bilateral vasectomy?

Bilateral: Usually the urologist performs a vasectomy for voluntary sterilization is performed on both sides, although the code descriptor indicates that this code may be used for unilateral or bilateral procedures.

What is the correct diagnosis code for sterilization?

We have been using Z30.2 Encounter for Sterilization but we are receiving some requests for more documentation and unsure if maybe Z98.52 Vasectomy status maybe a better diagnosis code to use. Thank you in advance for your help. Z30.2 is the correct diagnosis code.


What is the procedure code for vasectomy?

Report the procedure using 55250 (Vasectomy, unilateral or bilateral [separate procedure], including postoperative semen examination[s]), 55450 (Ligation [percutaneous] of vas deferens, unilateral or bilateral [separate procedure]), or for a laparoscopic vasectomy, 55559 (Unlisted laparoscopy procedure, spermatic cord) ...

What is the code for bilateral vasectomy?

55250When the two services are performed by the same entity, the more appropriate code to use is 55250, “Vasectomy, unilateral or bilateral (separate procedure), including postoperative semen examination(s).”

What is the ICD-10 code for elective sterilization?

Z30. 2 - Encounter for sterilization. ICD-10-CM.

What is l98 7 code?

7: Excessive and redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Does Medicare pay for vasectomy?

Medicare only pays for services it considers to be medically necessary, however. It never pays for elective procedures, including both vasectomies and vasectomy reversals. This rule applies to all sterilization procedures, unless the procedure is being used to treat an underlying medical condition.

What is code Z30 9?

Code. Z30.9 - Encounter for contraceptive management, unspecified. ⑩ [Billable] [POA Exempt]

What is procedure code 55250?

VasectomyVasectomy CPT Code 55250 describes the surgical procedure for male sterilisation, also called permanent contraception. CPT code 55250 is also designated as 'vasectomy' and is intended for protection against pregnancy permanently.

What does CPT code 58661 mean?

CPT® 58661, Under Laparoscopic Procedures on the Oviduct/Ovary. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 58661 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Laparoscopic Procedures on the Oviduct/Ovary.

What is procedure code 15830?

CPT Code 15830: Excision, Excess Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue; Abdomen, Infraumbilical Panniculectomy.

What is L30 4?

ICD-10 code: L30. 4 Erythema intertrigo | gesund.bund.de.

How do you get rid of extra belly skin?

Excess skin removal procedures help people who lose a lot of weight through bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) or lifestyle changes. Plastic (cosmetic) surgeries, such as panniculectomy, tummy tucks and arm lifts (brachioplasty), can get rid of sagging, excess skin to improve appearance, comfort and clothing fit.

What is procedure code 55250?

VasectomyVasectomy CPT Code 55250 describes the surgical procedure for male sterilisation, also called permanent contraception. CPT code 55250 is also designated as 'vasectomy' and is intended for protection against pregnancy permanently.

Does Medicare cover 55250?

Elective hysterectomy, tubal ligation and vasectomy in the absence of a disease for which sterilization is considered an effective treatment is not covered....CodeDescription55250VASECTOMY, UNILATERAL OR BILATERAL (SEPARATE PROCEDURE), INCLUDING POSTOPERATIVE SEMEN EXAMINATION(S)6 more rows

How many RVUs is a vasectomy?

Procedures are also assigned RVU values. A joint injection might be worth three quarters of an RVU while a vasectomy is 11 RVUs. These values are not affected by their reimbursements, and they cannot be amended by employers. They are meant to be representative of the work involved in providing that care.

When will the ICd 10 Z98.52 be released?

The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM Z98.52 became effective on October 1, 2021.

What is a Z77-Z99?

Z77-Z99 Persons with potential health hazards related to family and personal history and certain conditions influencing health status

When will the ICD-10 Z30.2 be released?

The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM Z30.2 became effective on October 1, 2021.

What is a Z00-Z99?

Categories Z00-Z99 are provided for occasions when circumstances other than a disease, injury or external cause classifiable to categories A00 -Y89 are recorded as 'diagnoses' or 'problems'. This can arise in two main ways:

What is the procedure for vasectomy?

Vasectomy is an outpatient procedure which can be performed under local anesthesia. The vas deferens is accessed by means of either a conventional incision with a scalpel or by using the "no-scalpel technique". A closed-ended vasectomy (by means of suture ligature, surgical clips or electro-cautery) or the open-ended alternative is then carried out. Each of these techniques has both advantages and drawbacks. Fascial interposition has been shown to reduce the risk of failure. A promising alternative for occluding the vas consists of placing an intra-vas device. Hematoma and pain are the most common complications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic analgesics and neuroleptic drugs are effective for treatment of pain. The success of vasectomy reversal ranges from 30 to 60 %. The data on record convincingly demonstrate that vasectomy is a safe and cost-effective intervention for permanent male contraception. The no-scalpel vasectomy under local anesthesia is recommended. Occlusion of the vas is most successful when performed by means of an electrocautery; fascial interposition should complete the procedure.

What is the American Urological Association's guideline on vasectomy?

The American Urological Association’s guideline on "Vasectomy" (Sharlip et al, 2012) provided guidance to clinicians who offer vasectomy services. This guideline was peer-reviewed by 55 independent experts during the guideline development process. The guideline stated that vas isolation should be performed using a minimally-invasive vasectomy technique such as the no-scalpel vasectomy technique. Vas occlusion should be performed by any 1 of 4 techniques that are associated with occlusive failure rates consistently below 1 %. These are mucosal cautery of both ends of the divided vas without ligation or clips

What is the Pro Vas occlusion technique?

The Pro-Vas occlusion technique utilizes a titanium spring ligation clip that stops the flow of sperm without the need to cut or burn the sperm ducts. Pro-Vas has also been reported to result in less post-procedure pain and quicker return to normal activities compared with traditional vasectomy. Additionally, there were no complications following Pro-Vas occlusions, however, it is acknowledged the number of patients is not sufficient to provide statistically significant results. According to Dr. Swartz, the Pro-Vas occlusion technique has the potential to simplify and standardize the vasectomy technique. It may provide less experienced vasectomy surgeons a means for achieving clinical results similar to those of experienced surgeons. The Pro-Vas technique also spares sacrificing the vasal artery. Dr. Swartz added that there should be a lower re-canalization rate with the Pro-Vas method because the spring ligation clip cannot dislodge or ever lose its constant low-pressure occlusion force. Additionally, the clip is designed not to apply so much pressure that may result in necrosis – a situation that sometimes occurs with other types of ligatures. Should the patient ever change his mind with regard to his vasectomy, reversal of the Pro-Vas procedure should be much easier as the clip is very easy to identify and dissection to find the two occluded ends of the vas will be much simpler. Patient acceptance may be higher with the Pro-Vas occlusion technique than traditional vasectomy because overall quality of the outcomes may be improved. However, these hypotheses need to be confirmed by additional clinical studies.

How long does a vas occlusion last with RISUG?

vas occlusion with RISUG for 360 days and reversal with DMSO (group-III) and

What is a vasclip?

Most of these efforts focused on the use of mechanical valves that could be opened and closed. The Vasclip, a locking ligation clip the size of a grain of rice , was cleared for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on a 510(k) application. Thus, the manufacturer was not required to supply the evidence of effectiveness that would be required to support a pre-market approval application (PMA). The FDA 510(k) summary of substantial equivalence stated the Vasclip is identical in use to the Hem-o-lok, a polymer ligating clip that is used to close off vessels that supply blood to organs.

What is the success rate of vasectomy reversal?

The success of vasectomy reversal ranges from 30 to 60 %. The data on record convincingly demonstrate that vasectomy is a safe and cost-effective intervention for permanent male contraception.

Which is the most effective vasectomy technique?

The European Association of Urology’s guidelines on "Male infertility" (Jungwirth et al, 2013) stated that fascial interposition and cauterization appears to be the most effective vasectomy technique. Furthermore, methods of male contraception other than vasectomy are associated with high failure rates or are still experimental (e.g., hormonal approach).
