icd 9 code for abdominal aortic atherosclerosis

by Dr. Ewald Bayer MD 7 min read


What is the ICD 10 code for aortic stenosis?

Other nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders

  • I35.8 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
  • The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM I35.8 became effective on October 1, 2021.
  • This is the American ICD-10-CM version of I35.8 - other international versions of ICD-10 I35.8 may differ.

What are the symptoms of abdominal aorta?

  • back or flank pain,
  • severe or worsening abdominal pain,
  • a pulsating abdominal mass, or
  • feeling a pulse near the bellybutton.

How is aortic atherosclerosis diagnosed?


  • Abdominal aortic atherosclerosis is a condition that narrows and hardens the arteries. ...
  • Build-up of cholesterol, fats, and calcium inside arteries are among the most common reasons for this disease.
  • The doctors use non-invasive and other relevant tests for diagnosing the arterial problem.

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What are the end stages of aortic stenosis?


  • None
  • Severe calcification or congenital stenosis with severely reduced opening
  • Vmax ≥ 4 m/s or mean ΔP ≥ 40 mmHg
  • AVA ≤ 1.0 cm²
  • LVEF < 50%


What is the ICD-10 code for atherosclerosis of abdominal aorta?

I70.0ICD-10 code I70. 0 for Atherosclerosis of aorta is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Diseases of the circulatory system .

What is the ICD-10 code for stenosis of abdominal aorta?

I77. 811 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM I77.

What is the ICD 9 code for hypertension?

In ICD-9, essential hypertension was coded using 401.0 (malignant), 401.1 (benign), or 401.9 (unspecified). ICD-10 uses only a single code for individuals who meet criteria for hypertension and do not have comorbid heart or kidney disease. That code is I10, Essential (primary) hypertension.

What is the ICD 9 code for heart disease?

ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 429.9 : Heart disease, unspecified.

What is atherosclerosis abdominal aorta?

What is atherosclerosis of the aorta? Having atherosclerosis (say "ath-uh-roh-skluh-ROH-sis") of the aorta means that a material called plaque (fat and calcium) has built up in the inside wall of a large blood vessel called the aorta. This plaque buildup is sometimes called "hardening of the arteries."

What is abdominal aortic stenosis?

Aortic valve stenosis — or aortic stenosis — occurs when the heart's aortic valve narrows. The valve doesn't open fully, which reduces or blocks blood flow from your heart into the main artery to your body (aorta) and to the rest of your body.

What is diagnosis code L10?

2022 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code L10: Pemphigus.

What is the ICD-10 code for hypertension unspecified?

401.9 - Unspecified essential hypertension | ICD-10-CM.

What does I10 mean in medical terms?

ICD-Code I10 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Essential (Primary) Hypertension. Its corresponding ICD-9 code is 401.

What is the ICD-10 code for heart failure?

9 – Heart Failure, Unspecified. Code I50. 9 is the diagnosis code used for Heart Failure, Unspecified.

What is I50?

ICD-10 code I50 for Heart failure is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Diseases of the circulatory system .

What is the ICD-9 code for chest pain?

ICD-9 Code Transition: 786.5 Code R07. 9 is the diagnosis code used for Chest Pain, Unspecified. Chest pain may be a symptom of a number of serious disorders and is, in general, considered a medical emergency. Treatment depends on the cause of pain.