icd 9 code for av fistula revision

by Gerson Schmitt 7 min read

39.42 Revision of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis - ICD-9-CM Vol.

Full Answer

What is the CPT code for AV graft revision?

Code Assignment: 36832, Revision of an arteriovenous fistula, with or without thrombectomy, autogenous or non-autogenous, graft (separate procedure) Rationale: The AV graft was revised (open and cleaned out), not just declotted. The main emphasis belongs on the required revision for this code assignment. Other Coding Options.

What is the CPT code for creation of AV fistula?

What is the CPT code for creation of AV fistula? 36821 The initial construction of either a brachial cephalic arteriovenous autogenous access (BCAVF) or a radiocephalic arteriovenous autogenous access is similarly reported by the CPT code 36821 .

What is the CPT code for revision of a wound?

CPT Codes CPTList Code Description Fee ... 11400 Excision of benign skin lesion to the trunk/arms/legs <0.5cm² (include scar revision - consider complex repair) 75 ... 12001 Simple repair of wound(s) except face <2.5 cm 100 12002 Simple repair of wound(s) except face 2.6 - 7.5 cm 200 ...

What is the CPT code for AV graft?

AVG Thrombectomy

  1. Mechanical Thrombectomy and balloon angioplasty of the AV graft circuit
  2. Balloon angioplasty of Internal Jugular Vein
  3. Balloon angioplasty of brachial artery
  4. Catheter placement first order vessel brachiocephalic trunk
  5. Left upper extremity angiogram


What is an arteriovenous graft?

In an arteriovenous graft, this is the anastomosis between the artery and the one end of the graft attached to the artery. Dialysis circuit: A term used in CPT interchangeably to refer to an arteriovenous fistula or an arteriovenous graft.

What is a procedure performed in/through a dialysis circuit?

A procedure performed “in/through” the dialysis circuit is any procedure (e.g., angioplasty, stent, etc.) performed by placing a needle (s) or catheter (s) into a structure that is part of the dialysis circuit.

What is CPT 36907?

In fact, CPT 36907 is an add on code which means it may never be reported by itself. You must first report a code from CPT range 36818-36833 or a code from CPT range 36901-36906. CPT 36908 is the eighth code in the series and is used to report a stent placement in the central segment.

How many anastomoses are there in an arteriovenous fistula?

Arterial anastomosis: In an arteriovenous fistula, this is the single anastomos is between the artery and the vein. In an arteriovenous graft, this is the anastomosis between the artery and ...

Which segment of the dialysis circuit begins with the subclavian and innominate veins?

Central segment: The part of the dialysis circuit that begins with the central veins (the subclavian and the innominate veins) and continues through the superior vena cava to the right atrium of the heart for a dialysis circuit in the arm.

What is an artery graft?

Arteriovenous graft: Placement of a piece of vein from the patient’s own body or synthetic material (e.g., PTFE) to intentionally connect an artery and a vein to allow a patient to receive dialysis.

What is the point at which the artery and the vein connect?

The point at which the artery and the vein connect is known as an anastomosis.
