icd 9 code for hidradenitis

by Kristoffer Wyman 9 min read


What foods to avoid if you have hidradenitis suppurativa?

  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Fermented spreads
  • Some soy sauces
  • Some stock cubes
  • Some dried or canned soups
  • Some bread, cakes, and pizza
  • Some gravies and dips
  • Some vinegar and salad dressings
  • Some health supplements

How to diagnose hidradenitis suppurativa?

We suggest the following interventions:

  • Patients should be educated about the diagnosis of HS. ...
  • HS is a chronic, inflammatory condition that is neither contagious nor due to poor hygiene.
  • Although HS has been associated with smoking and obesity, HS can also occur in the absence of these characteristics. ...
  • A family history of HS is common among individuals with HS. ...

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What is the diagnosis code for hypothyroidism?

The ICD code E039 is used to code Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism, often called underactive thyroid or low thyroid and sometimes hypothyreosis, is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.

What is the best treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa?

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS or acne inversa) is a chronic skin condition that causes painful red abscesses in the groin and armpits that may drain foul-smelling pus. Treatment options include weight loss, smoking cessation, topical antibiotics, and avoidance of tight-fitting underwear.


What is the ICD-10 diagnosis code for hidradenitis suppurativa?

[S1 guideline for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa / acne inversa * (number ICD-10 L73. 2)]

What is L73 2 hidradenitis suppurativa?

A chronic suppurative and cicatricial disease of the apocrine glands occurring chiefly in the axillae in women and in the groin and anal regions in men. It is characterized by poral occlusion with secondary bacterial infection, evolving into abscesses which eventually rupture.

What is the ICD 10 code for right axillary hidradenitis?

L73. 2 - Hidradenitis suppurativa | ICD-10-CM.

What's another name for hidradenitis suppurativa?

Hidradenitis suppurativa, also known as acne inversa, is a chronic skin disease characterized by recurrent boil-like lumps (nodules) under the skin. The nodules become inflamed and painful. They tend to break open (rupture), causing abscesses that drain fluid and pus.

ICD-10 Equivalent of 705.83

As of October 2015, ICD-9 codes are no longer used for medical coding. Instead, use this equivalent ICD-10-CM code, which is an exact match to ICD-9 code 705.83:

Historical Information for ICD-9 Code 705.83

Billable codes are sufficient justification for admission to an acute care hospital when used a principal diagnosis.

What is the CPT code for hidradenitis?

As mentioned above, CPT has specific codes for the treatment of Hidradenitis using excision and repair. These codes are from 11450 – 11471. However, if the physician is simply performing an incision and drainage of the hidradenitis, then CPT codes 10060-10061 would be appropriate. Now if the physician doesn’t describe the procedure in detail than its impossible for the coder to determine, which code should he take for the procedure.

What is CPT code 11450?

Being a coder, you may unaware of the fact that CPT codes 11450 - 11471 are used for the specific treatment of Hidradenits for excision and repair. CPT code 10060 incision and drainage of abscess also refers to Hidradenitis. After having a look at physician description, if you suspect that the patient may have Hidradenitis, you should put a quick query, and make clear the confusion.

What is a blackhead?

In professional language, it is defined as a chronic suppurative disease that produces scarring of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Clinically visible are at least two blackheads with several surface openings, subcutaneous communication, and subsequent abscess formation in the axillary region.

Is a hydradenitis a symptom?

In regard to Hidradenitis, generally a physician state it as a sign or symptom rather than a definitive diagnosis. Often Hidradenitis is referred to as an ‘abscess’ in the underarm area, and does not even state that the condition is a Hidradenitis.

Is hydradenitis a mis-coded condition?

In medical world, Hidradenitis is considered as one of the most common mis-coded condition. It is commonly incorrectly documented which leads to mis-coding. Hidradenitis is simply an inflammation of the sweat glands.
