icd code for cpt 99497

by Miss Winifred Wiza DDS 10 min read

99497, Advance care planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (with completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health care professional; first 30 minutes, face-to-face with the patient, family member(s), and/or surrogate.Mar 28, 2016

Does CPT code 99497 need a modifier?

Try modifier 25 on 99497 since it in of itself is an EM code, and to distinguish it from the injection fee, you can use it. I have done two mod 25's on claims before...

Does CPT 99497 need a modifier?

Modifier 33 is appended to the 99497 because the Advanced Care Planning was part of the patient’s preventive annual wellness visit . By adding the modifier 33, the patient will not be charged co-insurance, a co-payment, or a deductible for this part of his care. Coding Scenario #3. Dr. Smith is Mary Ryan’s neurologist.

Does 99497 need a modifier?

Yes. Advance care planning is a preventive service only when provided in conjunction with an annual wellness visit and reported with modifier 33 attached to the advance care planning code (e.g., 99497-33).

What is Procedure Code 99497?

  • Provided on the same day as a covered AWV
  • Furnished by the same provider as a covered AWV
  • Billed with modifier –33 (Preventive Services)


Is 99497 an add-on code?

CPT codes 99497 and 99498 are time-based codes (a base code and an add-on code).

Can 99214 and 99497 be billed together?

The cardiologist may submit for reimbursement for both 99214 and 99497, 30 minutes of ACP discussion. Completion of documents is not required for reimbursement of ACP codes. Scenario 2: The same patient has a decompensation of his heart failure and is admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) a year later.

What modifier is used for CPT 99497?

modifier 33Yes. Advance care planning is a preventive service only when provided in conjunction with an annual wellness visit and reported with modifier 33 attached to the advance care planning code (e.g., 99497-33).

Can advance care planning be billed incident to?

Advance care planning services are often best delivered using a team-based approach. ACP conversations delivered by individuals other than a physician or qualified health professional can be reported using 'incident to' billing guidelines.

Does time have to be documented for 99497?

Code 99497 describes an initial 30 minutes of the providers' time (face-to-face with the patient, family, or surrogate). Report only one unit of 99497, per date of service. Code 99498 reports each additional 30-minutes of service, beyond the initial 30 minutes.

What is included in 99497?

Requirements for CPT Code 99497: Advance care planning, including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (with completion of such forms, when performed) Provided by the physician or other qualified health care professional.

When should modifier 33 be used?

If you provide multiple preventive medical services to the same non-Medicare patient on the same day, append modifier 33 to the codes describing each preventive service rendered on that day. You may also apply modifier 33 when a preventive service must be converted to a therapeutic service.

How do I bill Medicare for advance care planning?

Use these CPT® codes to bill for ACP4:99497 Advance care planning, including the first 30 minutes of face-to-face explanation and discussion (when performed) of advance directives such as standard forms.99498 Each additional 30 minutes. For rate information, please consult CMS' Physician Fee Schedule.

Can CPT 99497 be billed with G0439?

This year also Medicare made it clear that you can bill the advance care planning codes 99497 and 99498 along with an annual wellness visit (AWV) code G0438 or G0439.

Can you bill G0402 and 99497 together?

Note: Both the G0402 and 99497 are considered preventive in this coding scenario. A Medicare patient would be responsible for a copayment, co-insurance, and/or deductible for the 99497 service, unless it is performed on the same day as a wellness visit , (G0402, G0438 or G0439).

How many RVU is a 99497?

2.25 RVU'sIn the final CY 2022 Physician Fee Schedule, the total facility RVU for 99497 is valued at 2.25 RVU's, while the 99498 code is valued at 2.12 RVU's; rounded, this approximates to $77.86 and $73.37, respectively at a conversion factor of $34.6062.

Does CMS reimburse for advance care planning?

Since January of 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has reimbursed for Advance Care Planning (ACP) services. Making ACP reimburse- ment available is part of CMS' policy to promote better health outcomes and reduce hospital re-admissions.

Can 99213 and 99214 be billed together?

CPT Codes 99213 and 99214 may be billed in time-derived methods for each patient during each session where the guidelines for billing are met. Healthcare providers will be able to provide a higher level of care for their patients by discovering mental health issues.

Can 99214 Be bill twice a day?

ellzeycoding said: Established patient E/Ms 99212-99214 have an MUE of 2 interestingly enough. If a patient is seen twice on the same day (separatate enocunters) by the same provider for 2 unrelated issues that both generate an E/M, you can technially bill 2 established E/M visits.

Can 99285 be billed twice on same day?

E&M codes 99284 and 99285 are not reimbursable together or more than once to the same provider, for the same recipient and date of service.

What constitutes a 99214 visit?

CPT defines a 99214 or level-IV established patient visit as one involving a detailed history, detailed examination and medical decision making of moderate complexity.

Can you bill ACP with DX codes?

If the patient has a chronic condition ie: hypertension, diabetes ect.. you can use those dx codes to bill the ACP. Our office has had some success with that

Does Medicare know what ICD10 to use?

Medicare does not know what code should be used, they say I billed it correctly with modifier 33 in conjunction with a Wellness code, but they don't know what ICD10 I should use. They told me to contact the AMA. The AMA told be to contact AHA Coding Clinic Advisor on line.

What is CPT code 99497?

CPT® code 99497: Advance care planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (with completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health care professional; first 30 minutes, face-to-face with the patient, family member (s), and/or surrogate

Who can not report ACP codes?

All other providers (social work, psychology, chaplains) may not report ACP codes independently.

What is ACP in medical terms?

Voluntary Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a face-to-face service between a Medicare physician (or other qualified health care professional) and a patient and/or family member (s), and/or surrogate to discuss the patient’s health care wishes if they become unable to make decisions about their care.

What are the codes for E/M?

These codes may be separately reported when performed on the same date of service in conjunction with the following E/M services: 99201-99215, 99217-99226, 99231-99236, 99238-99239, 99241-99245, 99251-99255, 99281-99285, 99304-99310, 99315-99316, 99318, 99324-99328, 99334-99337, 99341-99345, 99347-99350, 99381-99397, and 99495-99496 . Both codes should be reported with modifier-25 added presuming the requirements for use of modifier-25 are met.

When a patient gets ACP services outside of MWV, should the patient be told that the Part B cost?

When a patient gets ACP services outside of MWV, the patient should be told that the Part B cost sharing (deductible and coinsurance) applies.

Is an ICD-10 diagnosis required for ACP?

No specific diagnosis is required for the ACP codes to be billed. An ICD-10 code pertaining to the condition for which counseling is being provided, or to reflect an administrative examination, or a well exam diagnosis when furnished as part of the AWV.

Can 99497 and 99498 be billed on the same day?

CPT® instructions note that CPT® codes 99497 and 99498 may be billed on the same day or a different day as most other E/M services, and during the same service period as transitional care management services or chronic care management services and within global surgical periods.
