what is icd-10 pcs code for a breast biopsy with metallic localization clip and ultrasound guidance

by Pinkie Lind II 3 min read

What is the ICD 10 code for breast biopsy?

19081, 19083, or 19085 for the initial biopsy for bilateral image-guided breast biopsies. 19082, 19084, or 19086 for the contralateral and each additional breast image-guided biopsy.

What is the CPT code for breast clip placement?

In addition, CPT codes 19281-19288, related to the placement of a breast localization device (e.g. clip, metallic pellet, wire/needle, radioactive seeds) are not separately payable with 19499 as these procedure codes are considered part of the tomosynthesis-guided percutaneous breast biopsy procedure.

What is breast biopsy with localization device?

Meet the Breast Cancer Specialists. Needle localization is a procedure done prior to a breast biopsy or breast surgery to locate a breast abnormality that can be seen on a mammogram, but cannot be felt. It is also used to verify the location of an already diagnosed breast cancer.

What is the CPT code for ultrasound-guided biopsy?

Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy on a single, left thyroid nodule CPT Code 10005 – RT....New:10021Fine needle aspiration biopsy, without imaging guidance; first lesion#10005Fine needle aspiration biopsy, including ultrasound guidance; first lesion8 more rows•May 8, 2019

What is the CPT code for needle localization breast biopsy?

“When a breast biopsy is performed using both stereotactic and tomosynthesis imaging guidance, it is appropriate to use CPT code 19081, Biopsy, breast, with placement of breast localization device(s) (e.g., clip, metallic pellet), when performed, and imaging of the biopsy specimen, when performed, percutaneous; first ...

What is a breast localization device?

Radar breast localization can help your surgeon precisely locate and surgically remove your breast abnormality, while helping to spare healthy tissue. A tiny metal reflector is implanted into the abnormal breast tissue.

What is a Savi clip?

After consultation with your breast surgeon, the radiologist can mark the area to be removed during surgery either with a small metallic reflector clip called a SAVI SCOUT or with a thin wire. A SAVI SCOUT can be placed before the day of your surgery; a wire must be placed on the morning of the surgery.

What is an ultrasound guided breast biopsy?

Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy is a minor procedure. The radiologist places an ultrasound probe over the site of the breast abnormality, and using local anesthesia, guides a biopsy needle directly into the mass. Multiple tissue specimens are then taken using a hand-held biopsy device.

What is image guided breast biopsy?

An image-guided breast biopsy removes a small sample of breast tissue or cells for examination under a microscope to see if cancer or other abnormalities are present. The type of imaging used for your biopsy will depend on the location of the abnormality and how it is best seen.

What is the ICD 10 PCS code for biopsy?

Biopsy followed by more definitive treatment B3. 4b If a diagnostic Excision, Extraction, or Drainage procedure (biopsy) is followed by a more definitive procedure, such as Destruction, Excision or Resection at the same procedure site, both the biopsy and the more definitive treatment are coded.

What is the CPT code for biopsy?

CPT codes for skin biopsiesCodeDescription11102Tangential biopsy of skin (e.g., shave, scoop, saucerize, curette) single lesion+11103each separate/additional lesion (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)11104Punch biopsy of skin (including simple closure, when performed) single lesion3 more rows•Jun 28, 2022

What is the CPT code for US guided soft tissue biopsy?

Answer: A percutaneous needle soft tissue biopsy is 20206 (plus 76942 for the ultrasound guidance). The following note is included in the CPT book under 21550: (For needle biopsy of soft tissue, use 20206).

What is procedure code 19285?

19285. Placement of breast localization device(s) (eg, clip, metallic pellet, wire/needle, radioactive seeds), percutaneous; first lesion, including ultrasound guidance.

What is procedure code 19081?

CPT® Code 19081 in section: Biopsy of breast with placement of breast localization device(s) HCPCS.

What is procedure code 77065?


What device code goes with CPT 19285?


What is CPT in breast biopsy?

The American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) was updated in 2014 to reduce the amount of codes required for percutaneous breast biopsies. Prior to the changes, a percutaneous breast biopsy was reported with up to three codes: the biopsy itself, the imaging used to guide the biopsy, and the placement of a localization device, when used. The procedures may now be reported as one code. Similarly, when placement of the localization device is performed without a biopsy at the same session, it may now also be reported as a single code, reduced from its previous two code requirement reflecting the device placement and the image guidance.

What is the primary code for a biopsy?

The first lesion is reported with a primary code: 19081 , 19083 , or 19085. The selection of the primary code is based on the imaging used to guide the biopsy. A biopsy with stereotactic guidance is reported as 19081, ultrasound with 19083, and MRI with 19085.

What is a percutaneous biopsy?

A percutaneous biopsy is performed on a single breast mass with placement of a clip using ultrasound guidance. A percutaneous breast biopsy is performed of a right outer quadrant mass in the left breast with stereotactic guidance and of a second lesion in the left lower quadrant of the left breast with ultrasound guidance.

General Information

CPT codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2021 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type.

Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination.

How many base codes are assigned for breast biopsy?

If two lesions are biopsied using different imaging modalities, whether in the same or opposite breast, two base codes are assigned, one for each modality utilized. The add-on codes may be assigned only when the same modality is utilized for separate and distinct lesions in the same breast.

What is the best way to perform a breast biopsy?

Percutaneous breast biopsies can be performed utilizing various techniques, including needle core, stereotactic, rotating biopsy device, or vacuum assisted (eg, Mammotome). Ultrasound, MRI, and stereotactic guidance typically are employed to perform breast biopsies, so the new codes address only these imaging modalities.

Can a breast imaging lab bill for percutaneous breast surgery?

Previously independent diagnostic testing facilities could bill for the imaging guidance of percutaneous breast procedures, but most contractors will not permit them to bill for the new comprehensive codes. Currently, there is no authoritative guidance from the CMS to address this problem.

Is 19499 a separate code?

In the rare instance where clip removal is performed as a stand-alone procedure, it should be reported with the unlisted code 19499 since there isn’t a specific code for this procedure.

Is there a code for breast biopsy?

There are no breast biopsy procedure codes for mammographic- or CT-guided procedures, and payer guidelines should be consulted prior to code submission if these services are performed. One option for CT-guided procedures would be to assign 19499 and 77012.

Can a biopsy be coded separately?

Biopsies from a separate lesion can be coded separately, so it’s important that the physician documentation clearly defines each separate lesion. The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits bundle the following procedures and codes into 19081 to 19086: • fine-needle aspirations (10021 and 10022);

What is the CPT code for breast biopsy?

The portions of the procedure description that must be performed to code CPT codes 19081-19086 is a percutaneous breast biopsy performed using the imaging guidance described by the code (e.g., stereotactic guidance).

What is percutaneous guidance?

Percutaneous means to puncture through the skin. Stereotactic guidance in the context of these codes involves the use of low-dose mammogram images (aka x-rays of the breast) to locate a lesion for biopsy. Ultrasound guidance involves the use of ultrasound images to locate a lesion for biopsy. MR guidance involves the use ...

Can a percutaneous needle biopsy be performed without imaging guidance?

If a percutaneous needle biopsy of the breast is performed without the use of imaging guidance, report CPT 19100. Finally, physicians will sometimes use image guidance to place a localization device without performing any biopsy of the breast during the same encounter.

What is a localization device?

A localization device is a device such as a clip or pellet that helps to identify an abnormality in the breast that is small and cannot be felt during an exam. These devices are used to help physicians locate these abnormalities for biopsy, removal, or future exams.

Can you code a breast biopsy with tomosynthesis?

Unfortunately, we do not have a code for performing a percutaneous breast biopsy using tomosynthesis.

Do you report the parent code for each biopsy?

However, if multiple biopsies are performed during the same encounter and different image guidance techniques are used for each biopsy, you will report the parent code for each of the imaging techniques. For example, if a stereotactic-guided biopsy is performed on a lesion on the left breast and an ultrasound-guided biopsy on a lesion on ...

Can you report multiple biopsy codes?

Another important rule to know about these codes is how to report multiple biopsies during the same encounter. If more than one biopsy is performed using the same imaging guidance technique, you will report the parent code for the first lesion biopsied followed by the add on code for each additional lesion biopsied.

What is a percutaneous breast biopsy?

Percutaneous image-guided breast biopsy is a method of obtaining a breast biopsy through a percutaneous incision by employing image guidance systems. Image guidance systems may be either ultrasound or stereotactic.

Does Medicare cover breast biopsy?

Medicare covers percutaneous image guided breast biopsy using stereotactic or ultrasound imagin g for palpable lesions that are difficult to biopsy using palpation alone. UnitedHealthcare has the discretion to decide what types of palpable lesions are difficult to biopsy using palpation.